Not sure if it's your DPF that's to blame but it is possible to clean the DPF manually, using a hosepipe to flush it out (seen a video showing how to do it on youtube)...After raising the front of the car, placing it on axle stands and removing the engine undertray, you just undo the bottom exhaust clip and then undo the big steel circlip at the bottom of the DPF housing...The DPF itself can then be slid out out downwards out its housing (may need some effort to do this). After cleaning, dry the DPF off with a hot air gun and refit to car. My first suspicion is that you might simply have a badly clogged air filter instead as that can adversely effect fuel ecomony. The standard Citroen induction system is a poor design to say the least (especially in regard to where the filter housing is located!)...I replaced the entire system (filter housing, pipes and it's location) with a high flow custom version and I get about 10mpg more! (with my heavy right foot, that equates to about 75-100 miles more per tank full). Also, check the bearings on your turbo...take the pipe off the turbo inlet and try gently wiggling the impellor side to side with your finger...if there is more than a mm or two of movement then your turbo will need replacing...A turbo in poor condition with reduce the power of the engine, causing you to use more throttle than you otherwise would, which in turn will increase your fuel consumption.