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  1. The 54 plate 2.2 Exclusive C8 I have recently acquired has a drop down LCD in the back. I presume this was not part of any standard factory fit, however it is not currently working or appears to be connected to any sort of DVD player, nor is there any evidence of there having been a changer fitted anywhere! My assumption is that the previous owner (I bought from a independent garage that conveniently knew nothing!) must have fitted a new stereo with DVD at some point, then on sale put the standard player back in - which is all working right now. So, I'm hoping the wiring is all there already. I'll be pulling out the stereo in the next few days to find out one way or another. Assuming it is, can I simply swap the player out, or id there some codes I need to pull from somewhere? As you might imagine this was not an expensive purchase, so taking it to a dealer and having them spend any kind of time on it is not really cost effective, as much as possible I'll do the work myself or where needed take it to my local garage (who I use a lot so no problems there). Any advice from anyone who's played around with stereos or ICE much appreciated. Got lots of kids in the back that need to be kept quiet one way or another :)
  2. Thanks for this info. I have literally just bought a C8 2.2 Exclusive, also with no history. It clearly hasn't been serviced for some time, it was last MOT'd 2 years ago before the garage I bought from put it through, which I have my doubts about! But it's running well enough and has low milage which was my motivation for buying in the knowledge I'll have to get a few things fixed. I've put a new CAT on it already and it's back in tomorrow for a new timing belt. I will make sure these items get added to the list.
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