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Everything posted by Bilbo67

  1. Hi all...newbee introduction here...I have a xsara Picasso 2.0Hdi 2005 Exclusive (which I really enjoy driving) but lately its been having a few minor hiccups and would be very grateful for any feedback..the pre pressure pump was working initially when this problem began and it was my EGR valve which I dually changed myself and the fuel filter..car ran again great but then decided not to start.i was hearing the difference in tone with the pre pressure pump and then it never came on one day at all..i was told to check the relay associated with it but don't know it's location or what it looks like.If anyone can point me in the right direction I would grateful...Thanks.
  2. Hi...im a newbee on here and tring to find my way around..i have a similar problem with xsara Picasso 2.0Hdi 2005 and wondered if the fuel pump relay its situated in the same place for mine?..any help would be appreciated..
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