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  1. I had it on axle stands and jacks! ;-)
  2. Sorted,little link rod with the ball and sockets either end had popped off the rear height adjuster.Popped back on after a clean but no reassuring pop when i pressed it back in,tied a little piece of wire round it in the meantime to keep it in situ.
  3. 2004 mk1 c5 diesel estate,just yesterday i was singing the virtues of the car to the misses about how great the cars been,sod's law,today for whatever reason i left the house and the suspension was really bouncy? Got out of car and rear of suspension was at the full height??No amount of putting syspension up and down rectified it. Now i know for a fact suspension fluid is low and i have some on order,would this cause this problem,low fluid??There's no major leaks etc.Oh,and is it just normal lhm fluid?Thanks.
  4. I did mean to mention it has a new battery,as i heard things can go haywire on these cars with a duff battery.Batteries only about three weeks old. Just as a matter of interest,do these cars still show a battery light flickering like normal cars if the alternator was on its way out?
  5. Damp,frosty weather causing odd little things happening.First off about 5 days ago,frosty morning cold start brake pad warning light came up?Pads,discs etc renewed a few weeks,immediately switched car off then on again,never seen warning again!! So,not particulary bothered about that one,today fired car up,cold damp,frosty morning again,heard one little beep when drawing away from the house?After a mile or so the orange service light would flicker on and off occasionally.It wasn't staying on solid?Later on after a restart it flickered for a few seconds,next journey no service light flickering at all?? No other warning lights and car running fine.
  6. Think its an 8 valve.Ive taken off the top engine cover for a quick look,and there they were,looks pretty straightforward. Most sellers on Ebay seem to sell them by year of the car,some even selling them for £8.99,for four!!
  7. Are glow pugs the same on pre 2004 models and mk 2's?
  8. Thanks.Its just yesterday yet again i was trying to get the parking sensors working and noticed the drip. Gaiter itself seems to play quite an important part as far as i read regarding holding fluid,maybe just needs the gaiter but i'd be as well replacing the seals while i'm in there,treat her after sailing through the mot! ;-)
  9. Past mot today,woohoo but noticed one of the rear struts is seeping slightly(suspension works perfectly).Noticed in Haynes they can easily be rebuilt with new seals,are these a dealer only part?,never seen any on Ebay etc.
  10. See the wiring plugs that come off the sensors,can i just test the terminals on this for a live feed like in an,ahem,'normal' car. ;-)
  11. Yes i set up pads to disc first,slackened off cable etc.A bit worried what you're saying about the three clicks.Since i've had car its had one firm click,and the handbrake works perfectly. I think i'll slacken it off even more than it was originally.
  12. Yes i'd done a fair bit of reading before doing the job,went fairly well.Setup pads to disc first then connected handbrake. It was slightly weird cable wouldn't reach new caliper lever?Head scratcher that one!;-)
  13. Getting each job one by one,today parking sensors.Outward two were clicking,inner two not so clicky. Bought four tested ones off Ebay,replaced inner two sensors and they didn't work? The electrical connectors weren't clicking home properly so cable tied them drawing them into the sensors,still nothing. Could it be a wiring fault?Im guessing if module was jiggered all four sensors wouldn't click?
  14. Mk1 c5 2.0hdi exclusive,just wondering if the front screen should be heated?Dont see a fuse listed for it,there are those little dots on the screen above the rear view mirror like there's something around the screen,has anyone got one? Really frosty this morning but nothing seemed to start melting except where air was coming out of dash at screen bottom.
  15. I actually thought maybe 'i' had dowsed it in releasing fluid just by habit when i was scrambling under the car last week cleaning oil off places,but no,i kept wiping it and it kept coming back! :-( Got second hand caliper yesterday,fitted it just now. Only problem i had was i had to slacken handbrake cable off a tad so it would reach handbrake lever on new caliper,tightened up cable again once fitted now everything's fine!
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