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About rangoon70

  • Birthday 09/01/1946

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  • Location
    west sussex

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  1. thanks paul h regards all the info about my thread, have read thro the lot and will have ago this weekend, I`ve got to go back to hospital tomorrow for my wife has a follow up app; after that I can mess about with the car. many thanks mate.
  2. sorry I`ve taken so long, wife ended up in hospital, now that she is home I can use my computer again, yes paul I checked the display late at night and all the bulbs are working ok. is there anything else I could do or buy to fix this problem. I can see the display clearly if the sun is behind me, on a very bright day if I am driving towards the sun, and when I try to see what speed I am doing I can`t see my speed, I was wondering if any body else has the same problem
  3. HI-everybody, as iam a newbie to this forum i was wondering if somebody can help/advice me why i cannot see my speed/meter on a very bright day, i tried adjusting the brightness to full but it`s still no good. maybe i need to buy a hood. thanks (rangoon)
  4. thanks Rookie2 this is the second time you've help me out
  5. HI- NEWBEE, can somebody please tell me how or where to find the common problems on my 2010 1.6 petrol engine in this forum, being a newbie i dont know where to start. thanks
  6. many thanks to rookie2 for all the info regards my problem i will read your info over and over again and follow all your advice given to me over this forum. once again thank you very much.
  7. THANKS GUYS . checked everything all seems ok, no leaks or blockage cant find what causing this misting up of my windscreen, i shall leave thing alone. this weekend i plan on giving it a full service. will be buying the bits from euro car parts my local discount store. before i sign off is there a thread about common faults for my citroen xsara picasso on this forum. many thanks
  8. A very big thank you to paul.h and rookie2 for all the very good advice and help given to me, i will be putting all your iINFO into use at the weekend. THANKS GUYS
  9. HI-GUYS. I am back, ok i ran the garden hose for about 10min today and found no water or dampness in footwell or cupboard, i ran a peice of coat hanger under everydoor to check for any blockage all seems ok, my air intake is always set to outside, ( this one is for rookie2 what the hell is a scuttle panel and where do i find this panel,) i also for got to mention when i scrap the windscreen for frost i have to scrape the inside too. thanks
  10. I would like to thank paul.h and rookie2 for your welcome,and also for your advice, i have looked at the carpet and went on my hands and knees, but did not see or felt any dampness or smell, at the weekend weather permiting i will check the doors and cupboard areas. thanks again for your kind help and advice
  11. hello all, as i am new to this forum, i hope somebody will put this message in the right place for me. i have got my first pug and it is a xsara pic 1.6 desire petrol (2010) i been having problem with it fogging up every morning can anybody tell me what is the cause. o by the way my name is rangoon 70 and live in west sussex
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