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Everything posted by Calvadosian

  1. Thank you for the response and suggestions. The current situation is that I have contacted a UK locksmith to try and obtain a key without transponder, as I only need it to enter the vehicle, not to start the motor. My next approach would be your welding rod in a door idea. The last resort will be broken glass on the insurance, but a bit messy. Yes, my worry is how it could have happened. Although it's my third C5, this one is just plain naughty!! This event and other symptoms do point towards a wiring fault anywhere between drivers door and the BSI. Unfortunately I need to remove the fascia/heater unit for repairs to heater fans and flap motors.... have been reluctant as I've never removed an airbag and am a little nervous.
  2. Hello all, I might be asking the impossible, but my one and only key/remote are in the ignition and my car has locked itself! Obviously, I am desperate to enter the car at the earliest time. My C5 is a phase II, 2.0 hdi 138 automatic estate - late 2006. Fortunately the car is in front of my garage. I live in Calvados, France where main dealers and locksmiths are extortionately expensive. I used to be able to enter locked BX models by removing no. plate lamp and moving metal actuator rod (I worked for Citroen). On this C5 I removed the rear no. plate and made an exploratory central hole, but it is all electric this time. (Hole sealed and no. plate re-revitted!). I do not know if the alarm is activated.... PLEASE, anybody know the solution? I'm stuck with using the wife's Modus. Many thanks for reading this.... ever hopeful in France
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