Hi Rob, You should be able to do your clutch fairly easy. The hardest bit will be to get a decent height to work under the car, ramp might be enough. You will have to split your gear box from the engine and drop it down, you will have to remove the battery and tray etc to gain access to the 18mm bolt holding the gearbox. Also remove the 3 gear links, the clutch cable,reverse sensor and earth cabels. The hardest part will be to remove the lever ontop of the gearbox that holds the clutch cable to dissengage the clutch inorder to allow the gearbox to split away. This ackward part has a stubborn pin holding the lever to the shaft remove this and pull lever off this will allow the engaging forks to turn and remove the gearbox. Might sound alot but it is not to bad a job, but watch out for the clutch dust wear a mask. Good luck Gary