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  1. every day is a school day eh! Thanks never new that i just assumed as with the front it would be solid when jacked up. No never had the engine running ill have another go and maybe take it for a test drive. Thanks again
  2. I am close to putting my 1.9TD back on hte road, engine all ready front brakes all done but im having some trouble with the rear drums. Replaced brake lines, shoes and wheel cylinders, and hand brake cable. Iv bleed the system but when i brake i can still turn the wheel (although quite difficult) by hand. When i put the hand brake on it is solid. Any help much appreciated iv not had much do to with rear drums as my other cars have never lasted long enough to do anything to. Thanks for any help
  3. Hi in the middle of replacing all my brakes on my 95 1.9TD zx. Changed all hte rear brakes and just got the passanger front caliper. I am having great trouble finding the part though tried a couple of motor factors which have gave me a different caliper to what is on mine. My old one has Lucas stamped on it and according to the Haynes book there is two Girling J48 and a Girling CJN48 which i believe to be mine however i cant find one anywhere. Can anyone help to find the part i need anything very much appreciated. Thanks
  4. Its time to bring my old ZX back on the road after overhauling the engine. It failed the mot on front brakes umbalanced, rear brakes poor efficiency and the hand brake poor. Iv looked at the pads, shoes etc and seems ok, im thinking about changing the rear wheel cylinders but anyone got any ideas? is it possible just to need the brake fluid drained and changed out? not really to sure where to start but cant wait to get her back on the road again. Thanks for all and any help
  5. Cheers Colin i owe you a pint kind sir! I was so sure i had it right but the crank was just out now she is singing sweet just the brakes to do and she is back on the road, cheers mate Gary
  6. I have just put my engine back in the car. After bleeding the fuel the car starts (great) but only runs when i rev it as soon as i take my foot off the accelerator it stalls. Everything seems tight as i though air might be getting in, any help im so close!
  7. I have recently overhauled my 1.9TD engine. After putting it back in all timed up its not getting fuel. It is getting to the pump but not to the injectors. I thought it could be the stop solenoid but im not sure, i put a voltmeter on the plug to the solenoid but got no reading when i turned the engine! If it is the solenoid how do you take it out without stripping down the pump there does not seem to be any space to take it out. Any help much appreciated as its so annoying. Thanks
  8. Hi Rob, You should be able to do your clutch fairly easy. The hardest bit will be to get a decent height to work under the car, ramp might be enough. You will have to split your gear box from the engine and drop it down, you will have to remove the battery and tray etc to gain access to the 18mm bolt holding the gearbox. Also remove the 3 gear links, the clutch cable,reverse sensor and earth cabels. The hardest part will be to remove the lever ontop of the gearbox that holds the clutch cable to dissengage the clutch inorder to allow the gearbox to split away. This ackward part has a stubborn pin holding the lever to the shaft remove this and pull lever off this will allow the engaging forks to turn and remove the gearbox. Might sound alot but it is not to bad a job, but watch out for the clutch dust wear a mask. Good luck Gary
  9. I am in the middle of overhauling my zx 1.9TD engine and finding it impossible to find a set of new piston rings. I phoned Citroen and they quoted me £235 for a set does anyone know where i can get a set for a more reasonable price?
  10. Hi Barney, its could well be your head gasket although it is so much easier to check the oil cooler first. Drain the oil and water, slide off the hoses to the cooler. Remove the oil filter and there is a nut in the centre holding the cooler to the block, remove this and the cooler, there is a wee clip also holding the cooler in place at the top. Id maybe be tempted to do that first and have a loo at it, you might want to flush and change the engine oil anyways. Good luck Gary
  11. Hi Marcus, yeah the engine from the citroen (XUD) zx 1.9TD is the same as the xantia 1.9TD, Xara, Pug 306 and 406 these will all be the same. The engine was also used in the older Suzuki Vitara diesel so that gearbox might be the same too! Gary
  12. i just removed mine last week Anti-Clock wise they where tight but i used my extension and with gritted teeth and a few choice words it came! Try spraying the old trusty WD40 and leave it for a bit.
  13. Hi all, i have stripped down my old zx 1.9TD engine for overhauling. I now have an idea of reboring the engine to increase the engine size and hence power while its stripped down. Can anyone tell me what you can bore it too and what if any pistons can be used with it? Thanks for any help
  14. Hallelujah, yes it was a stuborn bearing it took the best part of a morning just persuading it with a hammer but it finally it came woo hoo, engine is now out and ready to be stripped down. Cheers
  15. Hello again all, i am trying to remove my driveshafts, the passenger one came out easy, however the driver side is being less co-operative, i am aware of the 2 bolts with off-set heads holding the bearing in, however i have clearer the heads and still it is not coming free. Does anyone have any much needed help? is it possible to remove the rubber gaitor and split it at the CV joint?
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