Hi guys! Purchased a C5 Exclusive yesterday, and when I drove it this morning I noticed an ever so slight whine in first when accelerating on light loads, then completely stops when it changes in to 2nd. When accelerating hard it doesn't seem to do it- but if you say lock it in first on the selector and lightly accelerate you can hear the gear whine until it shifts. I can only describe it as the sort of gearbox whine you hear on inner city buses when they accelerate from a standstill. You can hear it over the fans but not over the radio so it's not loud by any stretch. It doesn't make any strange noises other than this, it doesn't knock or grumble and it doesn't whine at a standstill and the changes are as smooth as you like. I've never owned an auto before so I'm unsure if this is normal or not. I've done a bit of net research but with conflicting results. Obviously there are the scare mongers that say it is facing imminent failure but then others say that autos do it in first because of the planetary gears or something?! I'm used to gearbox whine as an idea- my old C4 VTS had diff whine, my old 206 gtis all used to whine in 2nd on acceleration and deceleration and my girlfriends (brand new) is actually pretty noisy in first and second (manual) I understand gearboxes aren't quiet by the very nature of what they are and what they do and it's basically a battle between noise control and strength but just looking for a few ideas etc I.E if it's common on these particular boxes. The car is on 80k and I don't have a record of the fluid being changed so probably due to be fair. Any help welcome!! Thanks Alex