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Everything posted by aj-c525

  1. In fairness I probably know the answer to this already (being it's just the characteristics of the H3+) but I thought I would ask for other peoples experiences and/or if there are things I can actually look at doing to solve/help the situation. The ride on smooth roads, at 60+mph and on motorways is as you would expect from a Hydro car. However the B road 30-50 ride on broken surfaces is pretty terrible. The car is on the 19s which I get doesn't help but I still think it should be better. It almost feels as if there is very little wheel control. On some stretches it almost feels like the wheels are 'pattering' across the surface rather than their being any ride control or body support. I've read that the spheres can go hard which can cause this, and because it has rubber bushings they could be on the way out. The car is on 83k and as far as I know it's had nothing done to the suspension in terms of servicing at all. Anything else I can do? It's not something I'm going to do immediately, but over time as i would like to keep the car for a while as I'm really enjoying my first experience of a Hydro Citroen. Thanks for reading and thanks in advance for any help!!
  2. Ah ok good to know I'm not the only one! Sounds like it must be a regular/normal thing then. I'm close to Chevronics in Hitchin and BL Autos in Welwyn so if I get the fluid changed I'll get it done there. I'm going to get one of them to check it over anyway as I'm sure the rear is slightly lower than the front but I'm still in that stage where because it's new to me I'm assuming everything must be broken. Ha. It rides fine, so I'll check that it auto levels then I'll just see how she goes for a few months and get it booked in somewhere. Thanks for the replies, much appreciated. Glad to be back in a Citroen!!
  3. Thanks appreciate it! The car is an 09 so the X7 I believe is the model number? I've been doing as much internet research as possible and it seems to be a case of it can never really be solved. Other forums stating that they have had rebuilt boxes for the same noise to return a few thousand miles later etc so to be honest I think I'll change the fluid and just live with it. I've had manuals with a lot worse whine! The noise from my partners brand new Mazda 2 in 1st and 2nd is way way worse. The car only cost me 6k so I'm happy to accept some mileage related noises to be honest. It has 80k on it so never going to be perfect.
  4. Sorry to confirm the car is an auto box- should have put that in title
  5. Hi guys! Purchased a C5 Exclusive yesterday, and when I drove it this morning I noticed an ever so slight whine in first when accelerating on light loads, then completely stops when it changes in to 2nd. When accelerating hard it doesn't seem to do it- but if you say lock it in first on the selector and lightly accelerate you can hear the gear whine until it shifts. I can only describe it as the sort of gearbox whine you hear on inner city buses when they accelerate from a standstill. You can hear it over the fans but not over the radio so it's not loud by any stretch. It doesn't make any strange noises other than this, it doesn't knock or grumble and it doesn't whine at a standstill and the changes are as smooth as you like. I've never owned an auto before so I'm unsure if this is normal or not. I've done a bit of net research but with conflicting results. Obviously there are the scare mongers that say it is facing imminent failure but then others say that autos do it in first because of the planetary gears or something?! I'm used to gearbox whine as an idea- my old C4 VTS had diff whine, my old 206 gtis all used to whine in 2nd on acceleration and deceleration and my girlfriends (brand new) is actually pretty noisy in first and second (manual) I understand gearboxes aren't quiet by the very nature of what they are and what they do and it's basically a battle between noise control and strength but just looking for a few ideas etc I.E if it's common on these particular boxes. The car is on 80k and I don't have a record of the fluid being changed so probably due to be fair. Any help welcome!! Thanks Alex
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