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Everything posted by Sumofishin

  1. Thanks Paul , I have Just Ordered a new windscreen because this one has a crack Down near the wiper arms and I ordered one that does not take the Rain Sensor.
  2. ""Update Update ! " I have Just unplugged the Rain Sensor and the wipers worked as normal from the Wiper switch, then I plugged the Sensor back in and everything seems to be working as normal, I fitted the wiper arms to check if I had the link correct and it seems to be all working just fine. PS if it happens again I will start at the sensor and give you an Update, Regards George.
  3. The motor was not seized it was electrically locked in the rest position, as when I reassembled it ,it does the same thing I can force it to move and it comes to rest in the same position electrically locked until it blows the fuse, but it cannot be operated from the Stalk.
  4. Thanks Guys all of the above has been checked and tested, I am beginning to think it may be the Rain sensor causing the problem, but without a workshop manual I am just grasping at straws
  5. Thanks for the reply The answer is yes I have tested the motor and arm assy all runs freely, The Haynes manual sounds good but I would have to get one from England
  6. Hi and thank you for allowing me to be a new Member. I have just purchased a 2003 HDI with a wiper problem, the main fuse was blown, I replaced the fuse and the wipers cycled once and blew the fuse, I have replaced the fuse with a circuit breaker it appears that the motor was jammed, so i forced it a bit and it did another cycle and stopped in the off position again blowing the circuit breaker, I have removed the wiper motor assy and seperated it from the motor, the motor tests good and i can power it to run constantly, I have checked the arm assembly and it operates freely, when I assemble it again it has the same problem, can someone help me out . PS I am an Auto Electrician and I do not have a workshop Manual Thank You By the way I am in Manilla NSW Australia
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