2005 C3 Pluriel diesel Having read previous threads my problem is slightly different and I still can't find the answer. The keyfob fails to unlock the car doors. The boot (tailgate) opens. The passenger door opens with the key. Both can be locked with the keyfob. The central locking button, inside locks but doesn't unlock. Being two door I don't have child locks (as far as I know). Have tried a new fob battery, resetting the fob in the ignition a couple of times after disconnecting the car battery. Have tried pulling out/in the wire connector on the fuse board (large grey one with 16 sockets) Have tried pulsing 12v+ down the brown wire (no 15 in the grey connector) Have tried replacing the central locking fuse. Have tried Jimmying the drivers door (the only door with a key hole is the passenger side) - no luck Have tried taking the door panel off the locked drivers door - can only do this partially - the wires in the door are white, red and 2 purple - but we havent done anything with those - yet. Any help appreciated - I've been on this 2 days