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  1. Hi, Bought a Citroen Xsara of my neighbour, who is no doubt having a huge laugh at my expense... Anyway, multiple codes came up together with the EML which had to be sorted out to get the car through an MoT. Diagnostics said injectors, so a new set of injectors purchased and fitted. Made some difference but then light came on again. MAP sensor replaced, new air filter, and butterfly chamber cleaned with carb cleaner etc. Car runs well when driving around but rough idle as if on three cylinders, and EML comes on again with intake air temperature and fuel trim bank faults. If the fuel trim is adjusted by the landa sensor, would the readings it receives be due to faulty readings by the air temp sensor? Feels like the engine is running 'on choke'. Mpg poor, difficult to start when engine at normal op temp....... Where is the intake air temp sensor please? May just need cleaning?? Any other suggestions appreciated.
  2. Hi, having finally managed to sort out engine problems (injectors and fuel pressure), and done repairs (extensive) for MoT, I now need something to listen to whilst driving around. I have a 2002 Xsara (not Picasso) and want to put a unit in that makes use of the factory fitted steering column controls. I have looked on the likes of eBay and there are plenty of radio & cd player head units with no display, so I presume these come from Citroen's with separate info displays. So can anyone suggest/recommend an original or compatible unit to fit please?
  3. Hi, having finally managed to sort out engine problems (injectors and fuel pressure), and done repairs (extensive) for MoT, I now need something to listen to whilst driving around. I have a 2002 Xsara (not Picasso) and what to put a unit in that makes use of the factory steering column controls. I have looked on the likes of eBay and there are plenty of radio & cd player head units with no display, so I presume these come from Citroen's with separate info displays. So can anyone suggest/recommend an original or compatible unit to fit please? Thank you
  4. Well have moved on a little bit. 1 month left on the MoT, so had that done at the weekend, to get an idea of what would be needed on that side before plodding on further with investigations into engine problems. Nothing overly drastic will be needed to get the failure turned into a pass, so decided to get car into garage for diagnostics. Turns out ECU outputs are fine as is the state of the injector harness. The problem apparently lies with the injectors, of which I have been told I need to replace the set of 4. So here is my question. In an ideal world, I could afford to buy genuine Citroen injectors but I am not living in that world and would appreciate some advice regarding alternatives please. Are these http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Petrol-Fuel-Injector-Citroen-Berlingo-C2-C3-Saxo-Xsara-1-4-i-1984E0-BRAND-NEW-/261889124950?hash=item3cf9ceea56:g:MDIAAOSw7PBTmcLC any good, or should I steer well clear? The car is only going to be doing about 12 miles a day so can't justify sky high prices, but do need the car to run as it should..... Look forward to any advice e you may have. Thank you.
  5. Cleaned throttle body, replaced suspect battery for new one, replaced spark plugs, coil pack looked clean, no signs of water having got down plug tubes. Road test...Great for about 3 miles then fault reappeared. In to dealership for diagnostic hook up???
  6. Thank you paul.h MAP sensor......When I was having a look earlier and checking the charging system etc, I did wiggle the connections on so e sensors and unplugged that sensor (MAP) which stopped the engine. So at least it would appear that works. I will do the checks you mention and see how I get on. The plastic housing that has the wiring to the MAP sensor running across the top of it.....Is that the cover for the coil packs you mention? Sorry for asking what to most probably seem daft questions but all help and guidance is very much appreciated.
  7. Hmmmmm. MAF???? Taking a couple of photos of what's under the bonnet. Hopefully one shows what I am presuming is the location of the crank sensor you mentioned, but the other...MAF and camshaft? Also, once all located, inspected, cleaned and refitted, if problem persists, what sort of cost should I be expecting to have a Citroen garage hook it up and try to diagnose the fault?
  8. Perfect. I know what i will be doing in the morning. Thank you and let's see what happens.
  9. Thank you very much Rookie2 for your reply. Re: battery charge, battery could be an area to check as it did need a jump start from where it had been left standing for about 3 weeks, and didn't want to know when first tried. Crank sensor....Should be able to find that okay, but I imagine there will be sensors all over the place so re the MAF and camshaft sensors, can you give an idiot's guide for what to look for please, so i unplug the right things. Thank you again
  10. Just joined today having sold my Rover 75 yesterday and taken on a 2002 Xsara 1.4 LX in its place. So far.......Oh what a big mistake. Car drove great on test drive, but on way home is when the engine problems started (posting in Xsara technical forum). Just started a new job so really up the creek now. Cannot afford dealership to 'diagnose' the cause(s), so she will have to sit and rot unless define help comes along, and I will have a lot of walking to do :o(
  11. Hello all, hope you can help. Have just purchased a 2002 Xsara 1.4 lx and driving back it developed a misfire. The engine would hunt about for a while, and the engine management light came on, then fault cleared and light went off. Continued on journey and then fault came back. Parked up and left to idle, and fault would come back, then settle, and so on. ODB scanner shows fault code P0200 Injector Circuit/Open. Can any one shed some light on what course of action I need to take please? Just started a new job so could do without this, and was a private sale so not able to return. Any help will be very much appreciated.
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