Hello to you all, I own a 2009 plate C5, 2.0 165Bhp with a MyWay SatNav system. I am looking for advice/help in rewiring my SatNav screen so to use it with multiple video input devices such as a reversing camera. After bit of research and testing this is what I have and know about the system. In the glove box ============ There is only White and Red connectors, for aux. I took the box out and realised that it actually had five wires on the connector, and after taking a closer look at it, one of the wires from the connector connects to the pin on the board where the video plug should be soldered to. So of course, I soldered it on but unfortunately only aux input works. I presume that the video is either not enabled in the software or not supported at all. I did look at the back of the radio/satnav/head unit and in the C connector, presuming where the cd changer would normally connect, the connector that is in place has only one wire in it. I am somewhat confused, where is this going to. If it is going to the aux input in the glovebox, why does the connector then in the glovebox have five wires rather than one as at the back of the unit. If anyone has a the diag/lexia in uk/wol, would really like to see if it can be enabled. Display cable from the MyWay unit to the Screen ==================================== A 10 pin connector from the back of the unit goes to the back of the display screen, i assume that it is some sort of rgb type connector. After testing I find that the pins 3 and 8 are not actually used as the able between the two units has no wiring for them. The pins on the connection line up like this: 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 Using loose wires, i started connecting the two units tother one wire at a time. When connecting pins 1, 2, 6 and 7 the screen comes on and display all the content in blue, if I then disconnect any of the four wires the screen start to go off and on but with no image what so ever. When I then continue to connect the pins 4 and 5 the displays adds the read colour and like so green when connecting pins 9 and 10. This is why I first though that it might be some sort of rgb connector. If I could figure out the correct display signal used I was hoping to split it manually, so that at a flick of a switch/button I could switch the screen to display the revers camera rather than the sat nav unit and vis versa. any help/suggestions would be very much appriciated.