Hey everyone! New user here. We have a 2015 DS DS5 and a late C3 Selection on the drive, I'm a new found Citroen fan! Just had a test drive with the 2017 C3 and do I want one! As a family we have a rich Citroen heritage, we've had AX's, BX's, CX's, ZX's, XM's, Saxo's, Xantia's, C1's, C3's, C4's, C5's, DS3's, DS4's, DS5's ... but at last the youngest member of the family is coming round to the Citroen way! Hope to help as much as I can on the forum, I was the moderator on the Fiat Stilo forum with manufacturer knowledge so if I can help please let me know. Finally ... a big hello to all Citroen enthusiasts!