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  1. I did as suggested and there was indeed pressure. Also plenty of fluid bubbled out of the lid under pressure. So it seems the presence of pressure is a good sign but the fluid overflowing suggests they put too much in the tank.
  2. Hi Paul. They paid for a couple of litres of LDS which I had to sit around and wait for with two very bored kids. About 2 hours later the fluid had arrived. I have been keeping an eye on the fluid level and it doesn't seem to have dropped since. I haven't checked yet this morning, but fingers crossed. I'm really hoping there is no damage (although I can't see it with so much fluid leaking out) but if there is any, they absolutely will be paying for it one way or another.
  3. Hi, Took my car in for a couple of front tyres this morning and my 2008 2.2Diesel VTR+ haemorrhaged a load of LDS fluid all over the floor while the car was on the jack. Clearly the suspension hadn't been raised nor the cap opened. The reservoir has now been topped up but it's a real mess in the engine bay, so I can't see if there is still any seeping out. Is it possible that there is an overflow of some kind or am I likely to be looking at a blown seal or hose, or maybe even a cracked tank? Any ideas? Cheers
  4. I don't know what the readings were to be honest - never actually thought to ask. I would hope he realised it was the fronts he needed to be looking at, but you never know. I have just gone out and parked on level ground, put the handbrake on and eased the clutch pedal up gradually and the car did not budge. Maybe the MOT fail was due to an intermittent issue?
  5. Thanks for the replies folks. Some very good points for consideration. The main thing that interests me is whether the handbrake should be tested with or without engine running. Yesterday I read on a forum (might have been this one) about a guy who had a similar issue with his C4. He finished up taking it to Citroen and paying £70 for them to take a look. Afterwards they told him the test needed to be done engine off. So I'm hoping to save some time, aggro and expense.
  6. I think you're spot on - independent Citroen specialist all the way in future! He just kept mumbling about how I should have bought a Ford cos they're easy! Fail sheet says handbrake efficiency below required level, or words to that effect. He was saying that there was very little resistance on the handbrake even when on full. Thing is, I regularly park on really steep hills allowing the handbrake to come on automatically by switching the engine off, and I've never had an issue!
  7. Hi all. Newbie here seeking advice. I have a 2008 C5 VTR+ which I am in love with (net in a sexual way, obviously). Took it for our first MOT together this morning, confident of sailing through. Imagine my horror when it failed on the electric handbrake! I was wondering, should the handbrake be tested with the engine on or off? It holds perfectly on hills, and has never given me cause for concern in any situation. The MOT was done at a little independent place and he was horrified when he realised it had "that daft French suspension" as he so eloquently put it. Could really do without any handbrake-based nightmares right now. So, any advice gratefully received. Thanks in advance. Rob
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