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Everything posted by Higgo

  1. Thanks all. I'll have a look at some point tomorrow afternoon to see if I can get to it.
  2. I also seem to have this problem. I googled for solutions and found this relatively recent thread so thought I'd jump on it. Mine sinks when parked most of the time (but not always) and reverts to correct height when I start the engine. As an aside, I thought I'd read that the height adjusted when the driver's door opens but I definitely don't hear the pump until I turn the key. As long as it doesn't get worse I have no issue - car looks low when parked but is fine to drive - however my concern is that it will get worse. We're driving to the Alps and back in a few months and don't fancy doing it with the rear suspension on the bump stops. Am I right (from the other thread referenced above) that: the most likely cause is a faulty anti-sink valve?the anti-sink valve is integral to the pump assembly?the pump assembly is expensive? p.s. 2008 C5 X7 Exclusive Saloon
  3. A friend of mine was driving behind me last night and told me that my high brake light was not working (but flickering sometimes). I've not seen it myself but will get one of the kids to press the brake pedal at the weekend. I've seen a few threads about water ingress for the tourer but not sure that applies to the saloon. Any idea what the problem is likely to be and is it an easy fix?
  4. Rather than start a new thread, I'll raise this one again... I have a 2008 C5 (X7) with the same CD/Radio/HDD as the pic in post #4. I'd like a quick/simple/cheap way of connecting my phone by Bluetooth. I don't want to take the dashboard/steering column apart so I understand it won't fully integrate with steering wheel controls etc. I've tried (in other cars) the Bluetooth adaptors that broadcast to one of the FM channels but they've never really been reliable. I was wondering if there was something similar that I could plug into the Aux input? Any suggestions?
  5. And then it went right, all by itself... I went for a longish drive - as few electrics switched on as possible and in 'Sport' mode to keep the revs up for the alternator - but that didn't improve anything. Went to get my multimeter and found it had been left on so sacked it for the evening. Got up this morning and it's all fine. Is suspect it will come back though so I'll start with a battery check.
  6. 2008 C5 X7 Auto... The first thing I noticed as I tried to drive off this lunchtime was that the parking brake wasn't disengaging as I would expect it to. I worked out that it was stuck on and (with foot on brake) released it. I drove off then noticed that I had ESP and ABS faults as well. I've had a quick search on here and elsewhere and see that it could be a sign that the battery is on its way out or it could be that I need a new ECU costly. My first thought was that it might be a sensor issue. I don't have any diagnostics tools. From memory the previous owner (who I trust) had recently replaced the battery so it it two years old at most. I'll take it for a long drive and a battery check anyway though. Any other ideas?
  7. My RPO is 11421CJ so built 15th Feb '08 (in Rennes) and therefore Eolys 176 (but infinium F7995 is also suitable).
  8. Thanks for this - very helpful. I'll check the RPO. Where is the tank filling pipe? Is it easy to get to?
  9. Please be gentle on me - first Citroen, first diesel with DPF renegeration, first post here... I've recently bought a 2008 C5 2.0 HDi (newer shape) and at my last fill up I got the message that the 'Particulate Fluid Level is too low'. I don't propose to do it myself as I don't have the tools, space (street parking), time or skills but I want to know what needs doing so I can ask the local garage I use. I've had conflicting information from the internet about which fluid it is. Also when I contacted my nearest Citroen dealer reg number they called me back saying that it was a pouch of fluid that needed swapping - I thought the pouch system was only on newer cars so I'm not sure I completely trust them. So... is there any way (from VIN etc) I can tell before they start the job whether it is a tank that needs filling or a pouch that needs swapping? And if it's a tank, what fluid?
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