Hi, thanks for the replies Aspire_Helen the problem is indeed the high real fuel consumption. 30 MPG for light trips outside of town is a low figure. The more appropriate figure was the trip computer one of 36 mpg. I keep using this last example because is typical for my trips. Your 3.1% difference is exceptionally good. My differences are in the 15-20% range, more at the pump than on the trip. I wouldn't complain at all if the figures were reversed, with less at the pump :D. Also your mpg is very good. You seem to have a very fine running example C5. I always fill to the maximum to have a good comparison. I actually see the diesel fuel when I lock the tank. I wouldn't totally ignore the official figures because they seem realistic enough in this case. I'd ignore newer figures which seem to defy all the reason, being almost half of mines. Even the Touaregs V6 3L diesel, 2,2 tones SUV is officially better than my C5 <_<... riiiiight. Paul.h I rarely pass 100km/h and the average for the last trip was 35 km/h. The temperature gauge works normally and I'm always double checking it with the oil temperature gauge. I've checked it also with Lexia and it was ok. I have no engine management light up. About the sensors you mentioned, I checked them from time to time there is nothing visibly wrong or abnormal. The timing belt hasn't been replaced yet. It's planned for this year. It's a year over the recommended 10 year time interval but the mileage is not met by a good margin. The automatic gearbox is changing correctly and keeps the engine running in the 1400-2000 rpm interval. That's adapted to my driving style. Thanks.