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Everything posted by iulian.arg

  1. Hi I come with new data. I just traveled ~1400 km and happened to refill alt exactly 1000 km. So I've done 1000 km with 65 liters which is 6.5l%km and the trip computer was showing 5.5l%km. That's a difference of about 20% between pump and bc. At least I have a constant problem: ~20% difference between pump and trip coputer. paul.h the only thing adjustable with Lexia regarding consumption calculation is to include or not the fuel consumed by DPF regeneration. I'm always skeptical when I hear about new cars being more efficient compared to previous generation/facelift. But I have no reason not to believe you about your C4s. As for C5s mk3, from the discussion on another forum, there are no big differences between all 2L diesels mounted on them and there cannot be a big improvement without a revolution in engine technology. And there are at least 3 iterations: Euro 4 RHR (same engine as on mk2), Euro 5 140 and 163 hp and E6 150 and 180 hp. About injection system condition, I might take a complete diagnosis as a later try cause it's a 70-100 EUR procedure in a professional dedicated service. Cheap diagnosis done at the garages are always a gamble and most of them try to hunt the problem instead of detecting or identifying it. aspire_helen I'm not worried about the cam belt because the architecture of the RHR engine moves 90% of the stress from the cambelt to the cam chain. This is the reason PSA gives such a long service intervals for the belt. I don't know if the 2.2 HDI has the same belt+chain architecture as 2.0 RHR engine. I haven't heard of many HDI cambelt failures so far. Yours was reasonably inside the change interval of 10 years or 120 k miles. Anyway, belt change is to come soon. I'm already in 12k km on the current oil and the next service will include belt kit as well. Thanks for the replies. ;)
  2. Hi, thanks for the replies Aspire_Helen the problem is indeed the high real fuel consumption. 30 MPG for light trips outside of town is a low figure. The more appropriate figure was the trip computer one of 36 mpg. I keep using this last example because is typical for my trips. Your 3.1% difference is exceptionally good. My differences are in the 15-20% range, more at the pump than on the trip. I wouldn't complain at all if the figures were reversed, with less at the pump :D. Also your mpg is very good. You seem to have a very fine running example C5. I always fill to the maximum to have a good comparison. I actually see the diesel fuel when I lock the tank. I wouldn't totally ignore the official figures because they seem realistic enough in this case. I'd ignore newer figures which seem to defy all the reason, being almost half of mines. Even the Touaregs V6 3L diesel, 2,2 tones SUV is officially better than my C5 <_<... riiiiight. Paul.h I rarely pass 100km/h and the average for the last trip was 35 km/h. The temperature gauge works normally and I'm always double checking it with the oil temperature gauge. I've checked it also with Lexia and it was ok. I have no engine management light up. About the sensors you mentioned, I checked them from time to time there is nothing visibly wrong or abnormal. The timing belt hasn't been replaced yet. It's planned for this year. It's a year over the recommended 10 year time interval but the mileage is not met by a good margin. The automatic gearbox is changing correctly and keeps the engine running in the 1400-2000 rpm interval. That's adapted to my driving style. Thanks.
  3. Hi Paul. Thanks for the reply. The air filter was replaced every oil change (10-12k km). It's cheap and not worth keeping it 2-3 service intervals. The brakes are in good condition. The wheels are all cool in either longer and shorter trips. I'm reseting the "trip A" every top-up. Then I do the calculus and compare pump consumption with the trip computer figures and get those huge differences.
  4. Hello, I'm facing a problem with fuel consumption. Putting it strait I have a much bigger fuel consumption at the pump compared to the one in the dashboard. This happens for a few years 3-4 at least. My car is a Mk II C5 2007 estate 2.0 hdi 100 kw 6 speed auto gearbox. The last figures I had are these: - 640 km with 59 liters of diesel; that is 9.2 l/100km (30.7 mpg) at the pump; the trip computer shows 7.8% (36.2 mpg). The drives I did tend to be closer to the trip computer figure than the pump figure. - an older figure I remember was 850 km with 65 liters of diesel; that is 7.6% (37.1 mpg) at the pump compared to a 6.4% (44.1 mpg) on the trip computer. When I bought the car I remember that I made 1100 km on a full tank of 65 liters with aircon active 30% of the distance. That was 5.9 l/100 km (47.8 mpg) which was very close to 5.6% (50.6 mpg) reported on the trip computer and the car's brochure (10/7.2/5.6 ext/mix/urb liters/100km) (28.2/39.2/50.6 mpg). Since then I'm getting worse figures every fuel tank. The car is in good conditions and I drive it very smooth. I don't do much city driving just shopping and visits. I rarely move the car in workdays. In the weekends is where I use the car the most and mostly for medium to long trips. Now the car has 155k km and I bought it at 97k km. The service intervals are in 10-12k km intervals, which is about once a year. The oil I use is Total ineo ECS 5w30. At 118k km the car had a gearbox fluid refresh with Castrol jws 3309 oil. I had the EGR replaced and DPF cleaned more than half a year ago and didn't changed anything in the MPG figures in a good way. By contrary, the difference seems to increase between pump and trip computer. I know that I have 1-2-3 bad glow plugs because of bad starts in the winter under -10 Celsius but I don't think this issue has such big impact on MPG. Any ideas are apreciated. Thanks.
  5. Hello, I might have found the cause and the solution to this problem. Description first: - I have a C5 2007 2.0HDi RHR 100Kw 6 speed auto with 150k km. - 4 years ago I encountered first this hunting and pulsing behavior that is extremely visible especially in vehicles with auto boxes due to torque converter "unlock" way of functioning. - the pulsing was present only in warm weather and from time to time. - the pulsing appeared between 1500-2000 rpm. - the pulsing was present even with the gearbox in M but less visible. What I've done to try to get rid of the problem: - cleaned the intake manifold - no change at all. - changed the EGR valve with original Delphi part - no change at all. What actually solved the problem: - I unmounted and sent the particle filter to a professional cleaning center because of frequent regenerations (<100-150km) and because the back-pressure made by the particle filter on the road in full throttle was in the 800s millibars which was huge (determined with Lexia). - after the cleaning the pulsing problem didn't appeared ever again in about 5k km and 2+ months of warm weather. - the back-pressure is now under 100 mbar even in full throttle and the regeneration interval is between 600-800 km. My interpretations and observations: - the pulsing appeared for some reason only in warm weather. - the pulsing appeared only before a regeneration but not in the immediate proximity and not as a sign of imminence. - the pulsing didn't appeared a period after the regeneration - my estimation is that the pulsing appeared in the last third of the interval between 2 regenerations when the particle filter was pretty clogged. - EGR blanking solves the problem but I don't think it's the cure of it. - my though is that this EGR design is pretty flawless and it should last several hundred thousand km; the pulsing is actually a sign of a good EGR; my old EGR only had a slight dust of diesel soot inside and had a perfect movement. - the cleaning costed me ~60 euros; the procedures took ~24 hours of high temperatures and air flow in a industrial grade furnace. A funny fact was that I remembered that I had the problem in the past only recently when I saw my old EGR on a shelve ^_^. That's when I realized that the DPF cleaning solved my pulsing problem and then I decided to come here and expose my experience with this problem. Hope that my experience helps others. Here's the DPF before and after the cleaning. Don't think one needs indications which is which :rolleyes:.
  6. Hello I've recently had (created myself) this problem with front parking sensors and, thanks to this forum, I've solved it. But one thing to note is that I needed an older version of PP2000 to make it work: v. 22.xx. Version 25.01 didn't work. So, use version ~22.xx to fix it. You may try newer versions as well, but if unsuccessful, switch to older versions. Probably there are older versions of Lexia working as well because both PP2000 and Lexia share common software subroutines.
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