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Everything posted by superstardj01

  1. compressors are expensive
  2. If it was an engine mount, drive shaft or cv joint wouldn't the problem be there regardless of gear speed or temp of the engine? The brake fluid was changed last year not sure if clutch fluid was changed as well? Is it difficult to diy it?
  3. Its the 2.0 petrol
  4. I've also placed it in 2nd gear revved to 2k released slowly the car stalls, I placed it in 3rd gear revved to 2k released clutch pedal adruptly it stalled adpruptly, so i think the clutch is ok, all gears are easily selected.
  5. Hi all, I know this has been discussed before but all of them seem to be judder through the gears and reverse, but mine only on set off once moving even at 3/4 mph theres no judder at all same in reverse no judder it only happens in 1st gear and only as I set off, it seems to mostly go say 80% when the engine has warmed up and doesn't happen atall if i rev to 1400-1500 revs on pull off, I'm used to driving diesels and have for the last 10+ yrs and with them a small amount of revs gets you going and the torque will pull you along at 15 mph easily so petrol driving is new to me so this could just be a driving style issue. I checked the clutch is ok by putting it in gear with the handbrake on and trying to move the back end squats down quite hard so I think the clutch is ok and not slipping. no fault codes at all. It's a manual VTS 06 82k Any ideas?
  6. I guess to test the fan i would switch the aircon on open the bonnet and listen
  7. When i switch it on after a few seconds it starts to blow harder l i ke in others when aircon comes on? How do i check the fan and gas?
  8. Hi, this is my first post, sorry to start with a question. My C4 VTS 2006 aircon isn't blowing cold, I get hot air and cool air (both sides) but switching on the aircon on seems to make no difference at all, i've checked both the fuses under the bonnet and the glove box, although they had brown marks on them the fuses look intact, is there anything else I can check before getting it re-gassed? cheers
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