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  1. not sure what's going on with my 60 plate relay camper but sometimes when the engine is hot and I turn it off for a few minutes when I get back in and try to start it just turns over with no sign of life but switching the key off and back on again straight away and it then starts normally, any ideas??
  2. Yes everything was nice and clean before reassembly I've been adjusting the shoes and cables whilst driving over the last 1000 miles so I know they are now fine and as good as they can be, I'm beginning to wonder if I've put the shoes together wrong somehow but despite trawling the Internet I can't find an exploded diagram to confirm, any suggestions?
  3. Thanks for the replies guys. The disks and pads were also renewed at the same time as the shoes and rear brake cables, I lightly cleaned up the shoes with emery tape then a load of brake cleaner and compressed air to clean and dry everything off before final reassembly. The link you mention Paul Is the one I saw and used to set up the brakes but for some reason they still seem crap. I've now done around 1000 miles with them so would have thought by now they would have bedded in ???
  4. I've recently replaced the rear disks, pads, handbrake shoes and cables in my 2010 Relay van but ever since then I've been unable to get the handbrake to work anyone got any ideas?? I'Ve set them up as explained in a post on here from earlier this year but still no joy, is it possible to get the shoes the wrong way round or might I have done something else wrong? I'm about to head into Switzerland in the next couple of days so any help will be much appreciated. Thanks
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