I have a 2004, 2litre HDI estate with a problem that has so far baffled 3 mobile mechanics. The suspension would not work either on opening doors or starting the engine, it is low and the interior height switch has no effect. The car started ,no problems, but would not turn off on the ignition key. It continued to run even with the key removed and could only be stopped by stalling. Mechanic said ignition switch needed replacement but after duly fitting a new switch there was no change. Second mechanic said it probably needed new ECU but was not sure. A third said, without looking at the car that it was probably an earthing problem but did not want the job on a Citroen! I started to search for an earth leak with a meter and removing fuses one by one. The 10amp fuse under the bonnet marked ''ECUs (ABS,controlled suspension)ESP/ASR'' when removed solved the earth leak and at the same time cured the ignition problem, with the ignition key now operating normally. My problem? Where do I go from here, still no suspension and obviously the pump is not operating, but what is likely to cause the link between the suspension and ignition. The pump maxi fuse is OK. Any suggestions greatly appreciated.