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I have just noticed that the paint on the drivers side door has gone what can only be desribed as cloudy/milky its a fairly large patch it looks like the final lustre is starting to come off and I can feel it when I rub my hand across it, its sort of rough (certainly not smooth) I thought it might be shampoo residue so I washed and polished the door again bit to no avail...


Any ideas what it might be?? I assume that it is covered by the paint warrantee but I want to avoid it being with Citroen for days while they fanny around with new doors...

I tried to take a pic this mornig and it doesnt really show up. You cant really see it until you get level with it. I will try it again in a bit...
just tried getting a another pic but all you can see is me and if you go along the car it doesnt pick it up. I noticed there is some of the clouding on the rear cluster which is really making me scrath my head...

Thats what I fear...or they could just give me a new one :P


just had a thought, it had the diamond bright treatment could it be that do we think?? I will have to give em a call and get it booked in for the list that is nearly as long as my arm...


I've already booked mine in for all the defects that have been mentioned so far...lol! 4 days they are keeping the car for!


I get to play with a C1 though...so its a good enough trade :P


Once I get the car back then it will be getting a complete clean. I am a member on Detailing World and the results they get on there are amazing so I have a shopping list of cleaning goodies to get!


at least you know what courtesy car you are getting when I asled for one I needed to get a covering note from my insurance company but the garage didnt know what car they had available so I couldnt get the note :P


I had a brief look around that site...I thought I was thorough when I washed mine...not so sure anymore


lol exactly !!!


I thought I was good....now I know otherwise.

The guys and gals on that site spend fortunes though!!!


This is the effect I'm after on my black C4:




Notice how the paint looks wet...amazing job..and all done by hand !!! :P


I need to get myself a PC polisher only way to get results like that.


And if its waxed polished properly should be really easy to keep it clean afterwards.

  wozza said:
I need to get myself a PC polisher only way to get results like that.


And if its waxed polished properly should be really easy to keep it clean afterwards.

I washed mine saturday night and it is ditched down....stupid other car driving in front of me :P


just a bit of an update really, Citroen valleter bloke took one look at the mark and said it was the film that is applied just after they have finished spraying it. When the car is being valeted just before delivery they spray a chemical to remove it and he missed a spot ;)


all fixed now


Good to know everything is sorted m8.


I washed my car on the weekend - here's what I used - unfortunately I didn't take any pix as my batteries in the digicam died :D




Washed with Meguiars Gold Class Shampoo - £4.99

Used an Eurow Wash Mitt - £7.99


Then Clayed the entire car using Meguiars quik clay - £11.99


Applied Poorboy's Natty's Blue Wax (£19.99) using a foam applicator

pad (£1.25), then buffed off with a MicroFiber cloth (£3.75).




My Meguiars #7 Show Glaze (£7.99) arrived on Saturday morning so I used

another pad to apply it to the the car, then buffed off with the MF -

once this was done I applied another coat of Natty's blue to the car, again

buffed off with a MF.


In total about 7/8 Hours of work and roughly £50 - but the result was stunning.. :)


........and it's rained for the past 2 days ;)

  Welshguy said:
Good to know everything is sorted m8.


I washed my car on the weekend - here's what I used - unfortunately I didn't take any pix as my batteries in the digicam died :)




Washed with Meguiars Gold Class Shampoo - £4.99

Used an Eurow Wash Mitt - £7.99


Then Clayed the entire car using Meguiars quik clay - £11.99


Applied Poorboy's Natty's Blue Wax (£19.99) using a foam applicator

pad (£1.25), then buffed off with a MicroFiber cloth (£3.75).




My Meguiars #7 Show Glaze (£7.99) arrived on Saturday morning so I used

another pad to apply it to the the car, then buffed off with the MF -

once this was done I applied another coat of Natty's blue to the car, again

buffed off with a MF.


In total about 7/8 Hours of work and roughly £50 - but the result was stunning.. :)


........and it's rained for the past 2 days ;)

hehehehehehe gutted :D

Started doing mine the other week gave up finishing the waxing off my arms were bloody killing me was trying to polish out the swirl marks got a lot of them out.

To get the finish like on the 106 you really need to get a proper polisher. Which will set you back around £200. But the results are amazing seen a couple of the guys on the clio forums with them and they bring up the paintwork amazingly. Old red polo that had gone pink due to badly treated paint etc. it came up looking as if it was brand new again the guy sold it for a few hundred more than he bought it just for tidying it up.


Sounds like a good way to earn a few extra quid for a few hours work.


Well that Black 106 was done by hand, but I do with you about getting better results with a machine polisher. However, good choice of cleaning products can go a long way :D


I will probably give mine a once over on the weekend and post some pix if I get a chance ;)


musta had some decent paintwork before hand i was trying and trying to get rid of the swirls in my paintwork with some megs stuff just couldnt buff it all out. got a lot of it out but needs a polisher on it to get it out properly and looking perfect again.


Plan to treat myself to one when i move back home have some spare cash. Just makes cleaning etc so much easier.


And i have a nice wollen washmit for mine works really well and doesnt swirl the paintwork.


Im a bit of a clean freak with my car only thing I keep so well.


Need to clay it and everything again before the FCS show though.


Like i said before I thought I was pretty anal when washing my car but when I read on the Detailing forum that Welshguy posted that those guys use 2 buckets when washing!! holy moly.


I am however going to get some Megs Tech Wax, Gold shampoo and a lambswool mit and take it from there. I reckon a few coats of that will take out the swirls...


lol I can't be arsed with the 2 bucket method :D


I do everything else properly though, and the wash mitts do help alot!


Just to note as well - you will only hide the swirls by using a good wax or glaze or polishing compound. The only way to remove swirls is to buy a machine polisher. The guys on detailing world use them a lot, and recommend you import a specific brand from america. Will hurt your wallet to the tune of £200 though ;)


porta cable polisher or something its called i just refer to it as a PC. What im after lol.


And i use the megs NXT wax.


When doing it properly usually start with the NXT car wash

then quickdetailer / clay bar.

megs 3 stage system cleaner polisher and carnaubara wax

all applied with applicators and buffed with microfibre clothes.

Have the NXT tech wax as well but only use that when im not doing the 3 stage thing although done with all of it together and buffed up given a good few coats the shine is amazing afterwards.

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