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I am still on "L" Plates so need an adult in the car with me, therefore i need to ask my mum or dad to go on a drive, purely for my pleasure. I was going on a drive (that i do very often) around uckfield. i got to a part that is extremly steep downhill. it is a 40mph limit and therefore i was going around 40mph. i went round a corner and there was a BUS (full of people) OVERTAKING UP A HUGE, STEEP and VERY WINDY HILL!!! I slammed on the brakes as hard as humanly possible and just narrowly missed the bus. I felt the ABS kick in as soon as a hit the brakes. I thank god that i drive a car with ABS and EBD! Otherwise i would have been killed (along with my mother)!

I am not a wimp (i have represented this country at squash and the county os sussex and many other sports, so i am the complete opposite!), but i will admit that a minute after this happened the reality set in and i burst into tears becuase i was so nearly killed!

It is still only minutes after the incident but it has not taken any of my love whatsoever from driving and still enjoy country roads as much as ever!


On another note, my test is tomorrow so wish me luck!


(P.S If you are reading this "Welshguy" i think the alloys look awesome from the blurry pic!l lol Would be great to see a in-focus pic)


Good luck for tomorrow. On my own driving test, I actually had to do a real emergency stop as a bread van swerved across my path and into a parking space to my left.


All the examiner could think of saying was 'I shan't be asking you to simulate an emergency stop'!


Oh it'll happen again but as your experiance grows you will just learn you dont need to SLAM the brakes on so hard. Just experiance on the road.


Used to do things like that myself and basically just learn what your car and you can do and how hard you can brake before you lock the wheels up and how much pressure you need to put on to miss whats happening in front of you.

I do understand but if there was any hesitation in braking i wouldnt be here. i ended up nearly off the road, there was nowhere to go. My mother said i couldnt of done anything better. She was actually worried when we got back that if she was driving she might not have been able the react quick enough. The coach came very close to me as it was. But i do understand what your saying, because i have done that before, and not afraid to admit that, but in that situation that was all i could do.
It s a oriental blue 1.4 vtr (obviously 3-door). I am going to ask my dad if the insurance will go up if i get the vts rear spoiler and alloys. That should be all my money for a while! :D I would like to get tinted windows aswell, but because my father paid for it anything that would void the warranty is a big no no, and i respect that. I have got some pics but could not upload them.
Posted (edited)

Well as you can see with mine - a decent set of alloys combined with tints and spoiler go a long way :D


Would be fairly cheap if you pick your bargins and are patient - I would keep one eye :D on ebay as occasionally some good C4 stuff surfaces.


My Alloys, Spoiler and Tints cost me under £800 combined - pretty good if you ask me :)


Forgot to say - what problems are you having with the pictures? Have you got a photobucket account?

Edited by Welshguy

Thanks for the info, and especially the info on "tints"!! anything that can put the insurance down and make your car look better is a way to go!


I dont have a photobucket account, i take it i need one.


Well i looked for the pics of the car, but could only find the abstract pics. Will upload them anyway. To see if it works. There are 2 i took just after i waxed the car, as i said before VERY abstract! i could not find any overall pics.




There, i am a amateur photographer and i took these before thinking about posting so they are all rubbish for the "overall look".

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