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heres one for you chaps who are attending both days...will you be staying in hotels or are you going home and then going to Donnington sunday?? not sure I can be bothered to drive the 2 hours back to Derby and then the hour to Donnington on Sunday morning...

it wont take you an hour stuey to Dono


cant remember how long it took last time thought I would go conservative :o


can you think of anywhere that we can meet everyone else near the circuit so we can park together?? my knowledge of donni is non excistant...

lol i work in computer programming/games designing and other wee bits n bobs

Thats what my mates currently trying to get into not got any jobs at your firm going for a 3rd year student who wants some experiance before his final year do you? lol.

Thanks guys but have just managed to secure myself 4 off a kind person on www.moneysavingexpert.com. So if anyone needs more than a couple of tickets log on there as there are a few people giving them away.

Sorry wont be able to make it Saturday now due to my lads first football match in a league at 11.30 saturday morning. was originally at 9.30am so i could of gone for first half.

hope to come next time to a meeting :lol:


right then chaps i'm off to Truro in Cornwall now and I am relativly sure they have not invented the internet down there so I will see you all on Saturday at about 12ish. If you see an Oriental Blue car with the VTS spoiler driving round Bury aimlessly give us a flash cus it will probably be me...lost as usual :lol:


Wozza, I have PM'd you my mobile number so can you drop me a text saturday morning with what car park you are in please mate...ta very much!!


Shame ya cant make it ham will likely see you on sunday though? Still going to donnington arent you?


And stuey replied to your pm gave ya my number anyone else needs it incase they get lost around Manchester etc let me know as i can always come and find you.


will see you on saturday anyway enjoy cornwall.


Unfortunately I cannot be at the meet this weekend as I am expecting a visitor.

If we can have a meet further south next time that would be better. :o


Hope that those going have a good time.


Well i will be in the carpark tomorrow from 12. Should be able to see my car from the road so should not be too hard to find.


Hope to see a few of you guys there.

Well just got back from the meet was alright nice to put some faces to names anyway had a bit of a laugh and was nice to see the cars got a bit of attention all parked up next to each other.

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