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Hey guys,


Just thought I'd drop you a quick msg to say that I'm still around...just come back off holiday and catching up...there are a huge amount of posts since I've been gone!!


The C4 is currently in the hands of Cardiff Citroen's general manger who is attempting to find the faults I have told him about...and then is booked in with Autobody Perfections (Cardiff) who will carry out the repair work on the 2nd Oct. One or two extra's may be added as well :(


I had to laugh when I dropped the car into Citroen yesterday. Went into the office and spoke with one of the guys...he went to fill in the form for the usual stuff including any damge to my car...he asked me the question "any damage?"...I was like "errr...yeah...front end is kinda pushed in a tad..." LOL.

Having the Plastic inserts (can't really call them sideskirts) on each side of the car sprayed. VTS's have this as standard I believe. Dunno what else I might have done. I think I will be getting a standard replacement VT front bumper - can I buy the VTS "front lip" as an add-on for a standard VT bumper? I wouldn't mind having that too. :blink:

Not a lip i think its a whole new spoiler. And there was a couple on ebay going for £35 for the whole new bumper.


A and B pillar trims done same colour as spoiler is a good thing to get done as well. WHat i have had done on mine as well as the sidestrips.


Got any links to the Ebay VTS front bumpers Wozza? Can't seem to find any at the moment.


Good point too about the A&B pillars - forgot about them...if I had them done then I could almost afford to throw away my Plastic Trim restorer! :lol:

Car is now back from Citroen - they replaced a door handle (known problem apparently), replaced an engine mount (thats the car's second replacement!), and road tested it. Gearbox again seems good (for now), but I'm still finding a grating noise coming from the engine while in 2nd/3rd gear and accelerating. Any ideas? :ph34r:

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