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  ham said:

Has Anyone had problems with their head lamp height adjusters and directional headlamps on the VTS or Exclusive?

mines now giving me faults since friday grrrrr :D



ive had a couple of "automatic headlamp adjustment system failures" - but for me it has always been cured by leaving the engine off for half an hour.


As far as I'm aware, this can happen if the swivelling lights get stuck, or if water gets in the unit or any other kind of object...


Yes...they failed in the middle of a nighttime thunderstorm last summer :D


I got the "Directional Headlamp System Faulty" message and the headlamp light on the steering wheel flashes. At night all you can see is about 2foot infront of you as the lights point straight down.


Have you tried turning off the directinal function as this worked a couple of times for me? The only problem is evertime you turn on the ignition the lights reset themselves downwards and fiddling the settings doesnt always suceed.


I took it into the dealer and IIRC took about two/three hours to sort. There was corrosion on the terminals and replaced both sensors. IIRC again, I think they are mouted behind the rear lights.

  ham said:

thats what it says, im booked in tomorrow. Sods law theyre working now no problems


If its anything like mine it got progressivly worse, starting off with an ocasional blip to everytime they were turned on. Its incredibly difficult driving when you can only see 2foot infront of you in the dark.


See if dissabling the directional function works if you get stuck "to get you home". It seems daft that in event of a failure they dont default back to standard setting.


Hope it goes ok at "the menders".

  ham said:

Has Anyone had problems with their head lamp height adjusters and directional headlamps on the VTS or Exclusive?

mines now giving me faults since friday grrrrr :D


19 Months old no propblems with mine.


the service light comes on with a beep and the headlamp light on dash by rev counter flashes and the fault comes up as "directional headlamps faulty" and "automatic height adjsutment faulty"


went to the dealer and the fault had gone. they told me that they could put it on diagnostics but in nothing was wrong then they would charge me!


so ive now got to wait till they pack up :D :unsure: :D

  ham said:

so ive now got to wait till they pack up :D :unsure: :D


Which you can be your bottom dollar will be on a lane in the dark raining..... :(


Do you have a camera phone? When mine played up the service light stayed on all the time and the message displayed on the screen upon pressing the "check" button so this should give you a chance to at least take a picture of it and taking it with you to the garage.


I dont know if they will laugh at you for doing this but how else do you prove it?


I often wonder if they think you are making these things up. Yet by quoting "exactly" what is displayed kinda demonstrates that you arnt!


"Computer says no" so that obviously means no fault.

  Rich_Eason said:


"Computer says no" so that obviously means no fault.

yes i know what you mean, i did suggest that to them, its just the anoyance factor as though youve made it up and want to pay them a visit wasting your time.

  ham said:

yes i know what you mean, i did suggest that to them, its just the anoyance factor as though youve made it up and want to pay them a visit wasting your time.


Perhaps to say that when they do fail and go limp that it is dangerous to drive?:unsure: I guess they would tell you not to drive it in the dark then!


Hi everyone,


just thought i would add my two pence worth.


I had a fault with the auto adjustment on my exclusive HID system.


Yes it defaults to low setting to prevent blinding oncoming traffic, as with all HID there is no NORMAL setting, it automatic, depending on load in the back i.e. height of the rear of the car.


If the height adjusting sensor fails or goes intermittant due to a fault or a dirty sensor, the system loses its reference, so has to go to a default position, which in this case is straight down to its lowest position, believe me, you don't want to be on the receiving end of mis-adjusted HID lamps!!!


Makes sense really, as a get you home, however, it is NOT dangerous, you just have to adjust your driving style i.e. slow down and it will get you home.


Book it in for a height adjuster fault.


PS - if doing long journeys on good roads, turn the directional kit off, why have all that moving of headlamps when just going on well lit roads, the system is primarily designed for dark country roads, like where i live in darkest Norfolk, nearest dual carriageway 10 miles, nearest motorway is 40miles !!!!!!!!!! nearest sh***y farm track, they call a road, is a few yards ... lol.



  terrwilk said:

if doing long journeys on good roads, turn the directional kit off, why have all that moving of headlamps when just going on well lit roads,


Mine is on all the time.

I believe lack of use causes most things to go wrong, and if you don't use it, how do you know it's working properly?

Live people with air con they wonder why it stops working when they have only used it once in a year. Well theres you answer. USE THE DAMN THING MORE! And they they think the techs are idiots for it not working.

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