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I took a trip to my Main Dealers today to investigate my Brake judder problem which has progressively got worse over the last few weeks. It seems i have Warped front Discs.. ;) "Thats just £275 sir.... :lol: It seems its not covered under Warranty on my 05 VTR+... :lol: Now i have never really had a problem with my Dealers before and what little probs i have had have all been put right with minimum fuss, I have a 2nd service due very soon and i aint gonna get much change out of £200..I could of done without this right now.... :lol:



Anyone else had similar with their C4's......????







  incubus said:
I took a trip to my Main Dealers today to investigate my Brake judder problem which has progressively got worse over the last few weeks. It seems i have Warped front Discs.. ;) "Thats just £275 sir.... :lol: It seems its not covered under Warranty on my 05 VTR+... :lol: Now i have never really had a problem with my Dealers before and what little probs i have had have all been put right with minimum fuss, I have a 2nd service due very soon and i aint gonna get much change out of £200..I could of done without this right now.... :lol:



Anyone else had similar with their C4's......????








Ive got an 05 plate VTR+ and I too have had to have the front discs replaced due to juddering.


Mine were not done under warrenty either, although the dealer managed to get the cost down by somehow discounting the parts, final price £205.


Citroen wouldnt even entertain a warrenty claim. Brakes had 27000 miles on them and juddered when braking from 70MPH.


I kind of understand it on my car, after 27000 miles, why should the brakes be covered.


How many miles you got???


The warped front discs may be caused by people that use the footbrake instead of the handbrake when stopped at traffic lights.

It's also one of my pet hates, being sat behind someone at the lights staring at their high level brake lights, and it's also technically an offence to dazzle other drivers.

  C4VTS said:
The warped front discs may be caused by people that use the footbrake instead of the handbrake when stopped at traffic lights.

It's also one of my pet hates, being sat behind someone at the lights staring at their high level brake lights, and it's also technically an offence to dazzle other drivers.



Yes i agree with that too, i was always taught to use the Hand brake and it kinda stays with you..? I just think on this occasion they are being a little under hand with me especially as i stated earlier that i have just covered 19.000 miles.. ;)


I guess i'll just have to Cough up... :lol:



i had a problem like this years ago on a Citroen ZX 1.4 avantage(1992), i turned out to be a bad batch of disc's with a big hard patch on the disc leading to brake juddering. this was covered under warranty as the car was less than eight months old at the time. hope you get it sorted
My old 306 used to do it too - did it for about a year - thought it was just a characteristic of the car until someone told me it was the discs warping. Apparently lots of hard breaking is the culprit - if thats the case will depend more on your driving style than miles covered. Though I've done nearly 19,000 miles in my C4 and use my brakes pretty hard and no problems so far.

mmmmmmmm...... ;) food for thought then...?



I have driven hard my old Mini Cooper look-a-likey.. :blink: My old Renault gordini and numerous other vehicles into the ground over the years and have suffered Gear box failures, Worn out engines. Broken sub frames and god knows what else...?? ok..i'm not so young now... :blink: all grown up with a family and a family sized car..You see where i'm going on this..? Warped Discs after 19.000 miles...I dont think so.... :angry:



Right i'm gonna turn back the clock and get me an old Knacker to run into the ground..Just like the good ol days..... :lol: :lol:



C4 HDI 1.6 110 BHP VTR+ Arctic Steel in Beautiful condition with 2 new shiny disks...anyone.... ;) Will consider Mini Cooper in part ex..... :rolleyes:




Alive with Technology............Dead with lasting quality....................... :ph34r:


Ignore me..I'm just pissed about parting with hard earnt..... :lol: :lol: :blink:



Guest CE05LDB
My 05 C3 had to have new brake pads at 15,000

Mine had warped discs when I took it for the test drive and were replaced prior to delivery. They only had 11500 on the originals and were well and truly shagged.


I did wonder if they had desert bowls mounted behind the wheels.


When I mentioned it to the salesman, he at first tried to convince me it was a "trait" of the car. :blink:


"I'd like to buy a car that violently judders when you brake please"

I'd like to buy a car that violently judders when you brake please


Now you are just not thinking like an estate agent... I'd like to buy the car with the built in cocktail shaker. Place your cocktail in the cup holder and apply the brakes...shaken not stirred Mr Bond?




Black 55 VTR+

  hertsnminds said:
Now you are just not thinking like an estate agent... I'd like to buy the car with the built in cocktail shaker. Place your cocktail in the cup holder and apply the brakes...shaken not stirred Mr Bond?


Black 55 VTR+


Just imagine how much fun you'd have trying to get the dash working after your Martini has got in to the Electrics.... :blink:


I dont see why heavy braking should cause a disc to warp. As logn as you release the pads at the end, it should be fine.


I for one dont sit on my brakes.


My juddering just seemed to happen all of a sudden, over a few weeks. I put it down the the brakes just being worn, but I saw the removed items and they had loads left on them.


How long should I expect my brakes to last then?


I think the back ones were replaced as part of the "brake noise" fix after roughly 14,000 miles - but Im now close to 19,000 and the brakes are squeeking like mad now.


For the record...I hardly ever use the handbrake. Either footbrake or clutch control where ever I drive.

  Welshguy said:
How long should I expect my brakes to last then?


I think the back ones were replaced as part of the "brake noise" fix after roughly 14,000 miles - but Im now close to 19,000 and the brakes are squeeking like mad now.


For the record...I hardly ever use the handbrake. Either footbrake or clutch control where ever I drive.


How long is a piece of string? :blink:


Depends on so many factors driving style, speeds, loads its like tyre wear completly unpredictable if you live in an area with long straight roads on on a road with multiple roundabouts....


You should use the handbrake where ever practicable.


Take the senario you are sat at a red light foor on brake pedal.

Car pulls up behind stops.

Car careers into the car behind which goes into you.


Your foot will leave the pedal and the car will shunt forward many feet uncontrolled potentially into the path of another vehicle. This risk "could" be reduced if the handbrake was on. Also there is the fact that people get jeffed off with brake lights in their faces.


And riding the clutch is a good quick way to destroy it generally. And well we have already discovered there not the best clutches around.


People that sit with the brakes on at light that have just turned red annoy me there so bloody bright and if your gonna be sat there for a few minutes put the sodding handbrake on its better for your brakes as well.


It would seem that we are only covered for the first 12,000 miles as far as Discs and Pads are concerned....? Unless.....They can prove a Manafacturing defect..... :blink:



Oh well...at least i'll know what to ask my next main dealer before i buy.... :rolleyes:



discs have a harder life now they are not allowed to use asbestos in the pads. pads now contain metal to make them last longer and help grip the disc better resulting in discs running at extreme temp which causes them to warp. with both brakes and clutch there is three choices. last for ever but have to have legs like garth to push down the pedals, a happy medium or nice and easy to press resulting in the car driving like a dream but components not lasting as long as they should. citroen went for the last one. you cant have every thing in life and i think you will all agree that citroen c4s are one of the nicest cars on the road to drive but as with every up side theres a down side. unfortunately.
  Stuey said:
bit of both really Welsh!!


I am impressed a Citroen tech saying their cars are good to drive!!

been in motor trade for 17 yrs and only worked at citron dealership 4 yrs and the only reason i have done that is because there wages were better than any where else because of bonus and over time. the reason being is these cars have so many problems the amount of work is endless so dont think this make of car is close to my heart. i speak as i find and i work to make money. obviously there are cars i would rather have but not many i would rather do a hundred mile round trip in and would never own one with no warrenty. dont think you can beat c4 hdi 110 for comfort, economy and performance. one of the best all round cars on the road imo.

  • 3 weeks later...
Guest GarthyB
  iannez said:
discs have a harder life now they are not allowed to use asbestos in the pads. pads now contain metal to make them last longer and help grip the disc better resulting in discs running at extreme temp which causes them to warp. with both brakes and clutch there is three choices. last for ever but have to have legs like garth to push down the pedals, a happy medium or nice and easy to press resulting in the car driving like a dream but components not lasting as long as they should. citroen went for the last one. you cant have every thing in life and i think you will all agree that citroen c4s are one of the nicest cars on the road to drive but as with every up side theres a down side. unfortunately.


Hear, Hear....I've had nothing but issues with Citroen stock brakes since my old ZX...discs at 21,000.

The pads are just too hard...look at the dust they create...and how many have had the car in because of squealing brakes.

I've just replaced a C3 with a C4...picked up from the Dealer on Good Friday...list of problems already! One of which, you guessed it, squealing brakes. If you know a local mechanic, or are handy yourself, strip the pads out of the calipers..clean up the sliding areas of the caliper and apply a small amount of copper slip..This should also help the problem with pads seizing in the calipers....32,000 on the C3. Citroen dodn't apply anti-seize compound on brake components!

I change the Discs and Pads using aftermarket replacements, used a Delphi brand pad though...no problems....


Driving style is definately a contributing factor, however the pads are just to hard.

As for sitting at traffic lights with the brakes on....how hot do you think the discs/pads have to be to warp?? If I'm sat at the lights with a foot on the brake..I'm not pushing the pedal through the floor..there's just enough pressure to grip the disc. How could that possibly warp a tepid disc?


Well if you have been driving a while and your brakes have heated up. When you stick the brakes on holding them there theres enough pressure there to keep the wheel still.


Now holding that pad there is insulating that section of the disc the pads are in contact with keeping it warm while the rest is cooling down. That can cause warping.

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