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I dont live in a rough area but in the last week there has been 3 incidents of alloys being stolen and windows smashed.


Having just bought some new tyres too i can ill afford this to happen.


Do I need specialist anti locking whel nuts? Motosave have ordered me some - but do you think i could get them from halfords?


Anything else I can do? I dont have a garage and am scared to leave it tonight!


Not an awful lot you can do sorry mate. People like that are scum. Do you have a driveway? The best you can hope to do is keep gates shut and put up some bushes etc...helps create an enclosed space that scum dont like going into in my opinion. More likely to get cornered and cop a beating :rolleyes:


You thought about CCTV?

If they want something they will get it. We have some massive metal gates on our drive we lock up. But if they decide they want the cars they would likely just come in the house and take the keys.
  wozza said:
If they want something they will get it. We have some massive metal gates on our drive we lock up. But if they decide they want the cars they would likely just come in the house and take the keys.


I sleep next to my keys :rolleyes:


VTS already has security wheel nuts and alarm.


I would move house if things are that bad.


Isn't this what we pay insurance for, or don't people have insurance these days?

  C4VTS said:
VTS already has security wheel nuts and alarm.


I would move house if things are that bad.


Isn't this what we pay insurance for, or don't people have insurance these days?


Happens in nice areas too was a load of cars going missing all performance vehicles so were probably filling an order out. Best way to nick it is with the keys so they just break into the house and take it that way. Happens in nice areas as well.


They just dont care now.

it happens more in nice areas as the cars tend to be worth quite a bit more than not so nice places. I live in one of those not so nice places and our car crime rates are lower than the posh new expensive estate nearby. I guess the old phrase "dont s**t where you eat" comes into play.

well it survived last night, thanks for all your responses. Yeah we live in a 'nice' area - seems they are targetting new astras at the moment.


So the anti locking nuts are standard? should I have been given a key? Its not somewhere stupid like in the boot is it? I know the ones theyve broken into and left on bricks have had their back windows smashed in the hope they could find the key to undo the wheels...


All have insurance – but its whether we have a high excess and don’t want to lose our no claims

  idlerobbo said:
So the anti locking nuts are standard? should I have been given a key? Its not somewhere stupid like in the boot is it? I know the ones theyve broken into and left on bricks have had their back windows smashed in the hope they could find the key to undo the wheels...


When I mine got there were two wheel nut keys in the glove box, I believe there is a little holder in there for them. If that helps.


Best making sure you got some with the car, interestingly the reason I switched from my Focus to the C4 was because of an argument between me and the salesman about replacing nut keys that had not been with the car. And his solution was to sell me a new car. I think he may have won that battle.


trouble is i bought it after 6 months from a private seller...


Ive just had my tyres changed though so someone must be able to get them off if it indeed does have them as standard on the VTS

yeah nickin the keys to cars happens alot in the area i live, the guy across the road bought a new 911 had it for 2 hours before someone was away with it and the keys and they guy had practically no proof it was there apart from a couple of things, they put a grabber (like what old people have to get things off high shelfs) through the letter box and picked up the keys with it along with his house keys he had to change all his locks and he did get his 911 back but it had a new 'toasty' feature that he wasnt to pleased about

you've gotta be pretty gutted owning a car 2 hours before its stolen.


Sadly its a world we live in now, often scum rules the streets. BLOODY CHAVS!! GET A JOB!

sorry rant over...


Thankfully there's probably a bigger market for Astra parts than there is C4 parts!


Just a case of being sensible, parking it where it attracts the least attention (I.E driveway and not the street if possible) and making sure everything is locked, and your keys are stored safely.


Maybe I went a little over the top last night..


Parked as close to fence as possible on drive, blocked it in with another car with no alloys, removed my tom tom holder from windscreen, cleared out everything in the car including ipod charger, put steering lock on… sat and watched all night out of the window with a shotgun.


Well the last bit is an exaggeration!

listen i dont think so id b doing the same if i was worried mines was goin 2 get snatched but then i live in an estate of porsche, range rovers and a few ferrari's and the likes so i doubt they'd want my C4 over one of them and about 90% of them are never garaged and some dont have gates to their garden whereas i do so they'd have to go 2 more trouble to get mine
there has been a load of VW Polo's being stripped in the poshest part of Nottingham, they are obviouslty being done to order or the crims know that the parts are easy to get rid of.
Guest CE05LDB

Some git ripped my mirror off my C3 last year and the maddening thing was the git went out of their way to unfold the mirror and rip it off. I always fold my mirrors in.


My Brother had my car for a night and some git nicked my Citroen logo dust caps.


They nick or break anything these days.

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