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Here you go guys in pdf format (adobe reader opens it)



Downloads are free but you can only do one at a time and theres a wait time between consecutive downloads.... Hey it's cheaper than Halfords lol, so worth the wait.....

Get both parts and save them to your desktop, open the first one and save to a new folder, the second one will go into the new folder automatically


Enjoy :(

  • 3 weeks later...

I select part 1 pdf, 1click site opens.

I select free download, new page opens telling me I have reached the download limit - yet I have downloaded nothing.

Am I doing something wrong?


Ah, I was using Firefox - obviously not supported.


It works with IE6


This appears to be a scam to get you to pay to register to this site.


You get to download part 1, if you do not have a download manager.


Then, you are refused part 2, always a message saying you have exceeded your download limit - pay to join.


I tried over a four day period, always the same.

I tried at an internet cafe using a different ip address, same.

The message varies - sometimes is says (in german) wait 47 minutes, then 25 minutes, then 50 minutes - la de da.


All you get is to waste 83Mb on your drive with an unusable part 1 rar file.


Well lets put it this way... I downloaded the first part. and the second part I had to wait about 30 minutes, so I went off and did something else. I came back to that link and downloaded the second part.... No problem... It isn't exactly "Rocket science" is it?

At no time did I pay anything, join anything or do I intend to...

I don't use a download manager what so ever and you certainly dont need to use one...

I use Mozilla Firefox too which work absolutely fine.

That's exactly why the complete instructions were posted for everyone to follow in the first place...

Maybe if you actually do what is says by "waiting" the time it says you might get somewhere m8

Thats exactly why its free to download...you have to wait.


If I could add files on this forum for you to download from here I would do it for you... but I can't.... Sorry



Update .... been on the site and downloaded it again Both parts no problem, 15 minutes wait (which it stated clearly) until it would allow me to download second part... So it isn't the site or a SCAM!!!... it's the user... and maybe a little bit of impatience :rolleyes:


Surely your not one of those people who keep clicking the internet explorer icon when it doesn't load immediately and wonder why you have ten windows open at once..then blame the PC lol


I would hardly call four days impatient, and yes each time I waited at least the period that was stated. I also waited two days without attempting the download.


I followed the instructions exactly every time.


If it is not a scam, then the site has some badly implemented checks, which favour them by possible persuading some people to subscribe.


The other thing it intimated was that I was using a proxy server - though note, each time it refused me it gave a different reason!


Well, I use 3g internet connection but have no proxy server set up at home - yet it was happy to let me download the first half, and this would not account for why I could not download when in the internet cafe.


There are actually a lot of sites that allow free file sharing without these, to say the least, annoying conditions.


I'd be interested to know if anyone that did not upload the files actually managed to download both parts.


So, I just made another attempt.

Only one IE window open, plus the new download window the site loads up.


Note the date and time of my last post - Yesterday, 05:42 PM

I have not attempted to download since then until right now.


The message last time I attempted was

You have reached the download-limit for free-users. Want to download more?

Get your own Premium-account now! Instant download-access! (Or wait 54 minutes)


A day later, I now get the message

You have reached the download-limit for free-users. Want to download more?

Get your own Premium-account now! Instant download-access! (Or wait 118 minutes)


I will wait the 118 minutes, then post here again.


Surprise surprise.

Just tried again and


You have reached the download-limit for free-users. Want to download more?

Get your own Premium-account now! Instant download-access! (Or wait 173 minutes)

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