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Hey All, this site is the Sh*t.


Anyway, I got another question.


Ok Ive the C4 VTR, inside the cabin you have your interior lights, one for the front which has two map reading lights and one normal light, the back one only has the normal light.


I had a brain wave and replace the map reading Light bulbs with bright whit LED's, now the LED's are six volts, which means I need a resistor cause the standard power is twelve volts, ok im sorted with the map reading Lights. When it came to the the normal lights they had to be red, so once again I need a resistor, here is the curve ball, the back LED Shines at full no problem there. The front one has a dull glow on it. When I tested the conntact with the multimeter, the reading was eight volts, so I went out and got a eight volt resistor, it almost blinded me.................now it just glows like it did before, and the reading is now 1 volt.


Is the some catch to this, Im not very clued up on electricity.



Shot any suggestions Are most welcome


P.S. I have been stopped by the police...........and the complemented me on my car. :unsure:


So are you leaving alone the back light and souly concentrating on the front light, which consists of three lights, two for reading (at the side) and the middle one?


I'm unsure of the wiring of this, but I'll see if i can have a look inside mine to get the idea behind the wiring. I'm presuming the 3 bulbs are in series.


How many LED's are you replacing each bulb with? This is probably irrelevant unless your using loads of LEDs for one bulb, so between 2-3 you should be ok.


Also, are you trying to keep the independance to being able to turn the reading lights and main light without any of the others. Ive got a solution but in words its difficult to explain.


Give me as much info as possible on what your doing with the front and back light, detailing how your wanting the switching done (if the same or different) and I'll produce a plan!


Howzit Man


Well Im replacing each Bulb With one 10mm LED, the back interior Light is working fine, dont ask me why, but it just does (knock wood).


The Front Interior Light does consist of three, The map reading lights are being replace with a super bright White 10mm LED, one LED for each Socket. The Centre light is being replaced with a red 10mm LED. So in other words I leave The centre light on at night and i have this red glow around my dash and my back seat, pretty neat huh?


Switching on the light well i would like to drive with it on the whole time, it would be nice to switch it off during the day, but thats not bothering me.


In a nut shell I just want a red glow in the car at night times.............



Peace out all.

  • 3 weeks later...
  BrentC4 said:
Hey All, this site is the Sh*t.


Anyway, I got another question.


Ok Ive the C4 VTR, inside the cabin you have your interior lights, one for the front which has two map reading lights and one normal light, the back one only has the normal light.


I had a brain wave and replace the map reading Light bulbs with bright whit LED's, now the LED's are six volts, which means I need a resistor cause the standard power is twelve volts, ok im sorted with the map reading Lights. When it came to the the normal lights they had to be red, so once again I need a resistor, here is the curve ball, the back LED Shines at full no problem there. The front one has a dull glow on it. When I tested the conntact with the multimeter, the reading was eight volts, so I went out and got a eight volt resistor, it almost blinded me.................now it just glows like it did before, and the reading is now 1 volt.


Is the some catch to this, Im not very clued up on electricity.

Shot any suggestions Are most welcome


P.S. I have been stopped by the police...........and the complemented me on my car. :rolleyes:


I dont really know what you are talking about, you should have 12V and you cant get an 8V resistor.


You probably need a 400 ohm 1W resistor and and I would suggest you go over what you have done as something seems to be dragging your voltage down.

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