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Was driving to York on Saturday via the M62. The Pennines aproaches and attempted to overtake a truck. The car started to shake and the engine management light briefly lit.


Then suddenly the car lost power whenever it hit an incline. Floored the pedal.


The car could not pull the skin off a rice pudding.


Set the cruise on. It worked until a hill was in view. Stopped at the hard shoulder.


Restarted the car and the problem disapeared.


Was your problem fixed? If so what did they do?


I wil mention this to the dealer when the part ordered from last week finally arrives and I take it in for repairs. (6th time in as many months)


Return trip, I let the lady drive. She kept on fidgeting withthe cruise control as if it was the handset of a PS2. The cruise then malfunctioned. Stopped the car and turned the engine off. Restarted the car and the problem went.


What the frigg is going on?



Sorry your C3 is having a fit.

Whats the part the Dealer has on order?

Mine got better after something was replaced that recylcled something (guessing fuel as its an HDi)

it wasn't better straight away, it just had a few hesatations when overtaking, then it went.

either whatever was changed took a while to "bed in" or, the weather got warmer.

how was the weather when you were driving? Cold or warm? What bits have you had fitted to your car by the dealer?

It sounds like the problem I had/have?


Mr. Ben


Mr B

Clitoren (no spelling error) have ordered a clutch switch to remedy a problem of irregular idling speed and the cruise malfunctioning (both of which disapear when I restart the car). I called then and the part wil get fixed this week. I told them of last wekends problems and they say they wil fix it. Fix it? And now for my next joke.


All the problems happen in warm weather. God help me If I take this car to France. Warm wather? 16 degrees? Warm Weather? My a**.


Parts replaced?


So far I have had a new water in diesel warning light sensor.

Oh yes that new camshaft recall thingy.


I still love my car. Nothing beats it for character, spec and performance.


Its just the niggles that are becoming as inviting as shingles.




Your part that was replaced that "recycles"? Gas recirculation valve ring any bells? Sorry for being a nerd. I just did a doctorate on vehicle emission devices.





*Hugs a tree*


Mr B

Clitoren (no spelling error) have ordered a clutch switch to remedy a problem of irregular idling speed and the cruise malfunctioning (both of which disapear when I restart the car). I called then and the part wil get fixed this week. I told them of last wekends problems and they say they wil fix it. Fix it? And now for my next joke.


All the problems happen in warm weather. God help me If I take this car to France. Warm wather? 16 degrees? Warm Weather? My a**.


Parts replaced?


So far I have had a new water in diesel warning light sensor.

Oh yes that new camshaft recall thingy.


I still love my car. Nothing beats it for character, spec and performance.


Its just the niggles that are becoming as inviting as shingles.


Your part that was replaced that "recycles"? Gas recirculation valve ring any bells? Sorry for being a nerd. I just did a doctorate on vehicle emission devices.




*Hugs a tree*

All the problems happen in warm weather. God help me If I take this car to France. Warm wather? 16 degrees? Warm Weather? My a**.

There goes my theory for cold weather causing the problems. thought maybe the freezing cold air goinbg into the intercooler was sent out too cold for my French car. my problems could happen at any point in a journey bit like your did.


Gas recircualtion valve? Maybe that was it, what does that do? Apart from get replaced?

car still seems ok on the power front. Drove to work in the cold today as didn't want to be gassed out from the heater.


Moose forgive me but you did ask.

I did not do a 4 year pHD on vehicle emissions for nowt.


*Stands on soap box*


Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) systems were introduced in the early '70s to reduce an exhaust emission that was not being cleaned by the other smog controls. Oxides of nitrogen (NOx) are formed when temperatures in the combustion chamber get too hot. At 2500 degrees Fahrenheit or hotter, the nitrogen and oxygen in the combustion chamber can chemically combine to form nitrous oxides, which, when combined with hydrocarbons (HCs) and the presence of sunlight, produces an ugly haze in our skies known commonly as smog.


How to reduce NOx formation can be reduced by, amongst other things, recirculating some of the exhaust gases.


The EGR valve recirculates exhaust gases into the intake stream.


Exhaust gases have already combusted, so they do not burn again when they are recirculated. These gases displace some of the normal intake charge.


This chemically slows and cools the combustion process by several hundred degrees, thus reducing NOx formation.



There you go!!!!


A diesel engined road vehicle DERV, has 2 way cat is between the engine manifold and the middle section of the exhaust. In fact it sits right under the heater which I am sure pleases you


(2 way since it diminishes 2 of the three harmful emissions from burning fuel (hydrocarbons, Nox and CO). Sometimes the diesel fitments are called oxidising catalysts. Petrol cars have 3 way devices.)


Oxidising (Diesel and Petrol)


1. Hydrocarbons -> Carbon Dioxide +Water

2. Carbon Monoxide (CO) -> Carbon Dioxide + Hydrogen


Reducing (Petrol only. A diesel engine operates too lean (higher air to fuel ratio) to produce enough Nox but whatever Nox is produced is taken care of by the Gas recirc )


3. Nitrogen Oxides (Nox) -> Nitrogen and Carbon Dioxide and/or Water.


Notice how one of the clean by products happen to be carbon dioxide?


*Finds tree and hugs it*


I am not an environmentalist. I know what a bar of soap is.


Far from it. I love my car. The motorist is being fleeced.


Electric cars? Slow unreliable. What provides the oportunity to recharge them cars? Yes the mains. WHere do the mains come from? Power stations.


What do they belch out? Yes Carbon dioxide.

Do catalytic converters get installed in the cooling towers? No.


Cars are safer cleaner more economical than they were 30 years ago and every motorist is being taken for a ride. Still.


LPG? Very nice (much cleaner and the engine will last longer) but wil the gov still freeze its duty on it after 2004? They promised to with diesel many years ago and look? Its expensive. LPG...cheap but miles worse fuel economy (16 mpg in a volvo S40? )and retro fitments arent exactly safe and manufacturers who do their own endorsed fitment charge £2000 even though u get 60% back through the Govs powershift scheme.


The lobby that states diesels are carcinogenic are talking bollo cks.


Guys, sorry to hear about all the aggro you've been having. You may have already tried this but could your problems be solved by perhaps trying a quality diesel fuel like Shell or Texaco?


I use it in my Picasso Hdi and will use it in my new C3 16v Hdi. My Pic runs really sweet with it and noticeably different if I run it on supermarket crap etc. Just a thought.






You may well have a point there.


Filled up with Optimax a few weeks ago and the car was quite powerful.


I have heard about supermarket diesel and how they are produced to less strict tolerances.


I am quite prepared to pay a few pence more for better fuel btu I am stil getting dodgy power delivery.


"79,9p a litre is still cheap compared to Evian and Volvic. "

nicer tasting too.


Put some Shell fuel in mine the other day. Is the diesel optimax or just the petrol? And did you know that garages are often supplied with fuel from rival companies if their depot is closer?

So depending where you live, your Shell fuel might not be shell.


Diesel is optimax too.


Gonna stay from ULSD until the quality improves. Why should Fuel quality differ so diversely?


"And did you know that garages are often supplied with fuel from rival companies if their depot is closer?

So depending where you live, your Shell fuel might not be shell. "


Oh really? Cheeky sods.

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