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Had some sort of work done on car early September that resulted in the auto-clutch engaging at low revs (just over tickover - say 500-700 rpm.) Engine sometimes faltered pulling away and did stall across a junction!


Now had further work done and acc. pedal travel before auto-clutch begins to engage is even less! Slightest pressure on the pedal and engagement begins! Can anyone note their engine revs i.e. whether they have SOME free pedal travel before the clutch begins to engage please?????


I'm pretty fed up with the lengthy time spent waiting at the dealers - frequently! Help!!!!! :D


Hi Dave,


I've got a C3 Stop & Start which has got the 1.4 16v 90bhp Sensodrive. But its basically an SX with stop start technology. There is very little travel on the accelerator before the clutch begins to bite. Its very subtle though. Not checked the revs but I will if you need further reassurance.


The car is just less than three months old and so far its been good. My biggest gripe is there's alot of tyre noise at motorway speeds and the drivers seat cushion I find a bit short and flat so there's not much underthigh support.


How have you found the tyre noise on yours at high speeds?




I have a Pluriel Senso, the clutch engaging is determined by more than 1 thing. Pedal positions, rotation speed of each wheel, engine revs and outside temperature. e.g. temp -3 deg c, wheels about to spin and foot full on loud pedal, the car will not engage the clutch until it has changed to 2nd gear and put the gearbox in snow mode!


Saying that if you are talking about moving off from a standing start there is enough travel in the loud pedal on my Pluriel that I can control the clutch enough to hold the car on a hill with it (owners manual says you should NOT do this), you just have to be very gentle with the pressure you apply.


I would go to any dealer and ask to test drive another Senso car see if it behaves in the same way as yours, then you will know for sure.


Never had my Senso stall (touch wood) on me, but you do sometimes get kangeroo clutch and you can entice some wheel spin as well. 98% of the time the Senso is fine you just have to be aware that it can catch you out sometimes.



Orange 03 Senso

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