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About six months ago I posted that my car runs very unevenly on idle. Idle speed is correct and it smooths out at 1,000 revs.

The engine leaps all over the place and the whole car shakes when idling though.


Keep putting off doing anything about it and find that sometimes it is nearly OK, others it almost rattles my teeth.


Finally had the codes read today and it came up with only one - P1521: Variable intake solenoid #1 malfunction/EDCI5C2 - Clutch sensor.


The engine management light has never lit while I have been running this car 2 1/2 years now.

It never seems to pull quite as well as it should, the turbo is almost imperceptible when it comes in and the fuel consumption is pretty rubbish compared with what the majority of posters seem to attain (32mpg)


The mechanic I use for my Citroens put a new DMF and clutch in a year ago, suspecting that that was the cause of the uneven running.

While it is true that they were both badly worn and about ready to let go, they would probably have lasted a while longer and the problem wasn't resolved by their replacement.

Timing belt, water pump, pulleys and tensioners were done not long before that.


He was keen to pull the head as he thought that a valve was burning out. I am rather sceptical about this and don't like the idea of pulling the head if there isn't a problem and wanted to explore other avenues before being so drastic - it always seems to me that once the head has been off, the car is never quite the same again so doing it without justification isn't what I would be pleased with.


Presuming that the code is correct (it has been cleared and there is no change in the uneven idle) has anyone any experience of this?


While the work is being done I'm going to get the EGR, boost valve and solenoids pulled, cleaned/checked and replaced where indicated and also replace all the attendant pipework that so notoriously becomes clogged over time.


Anything else I should be looking at while this is being done. All suggestions and comments welcome.

  • 3 weeks later...

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