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Mr B.


I told you that since end of Feb I have been complaining of


1) Loss of power.

2) Cruise Control Malfunction

3) Irregular engine response.


These problems disapeared when I restarted the car.


Took it in MAR 4 :


They said they could find nothing. Their ECU deteted nothing. That item could not detect shi* in someones rectum.


Problem crept back


Took it in Mar 18.


They said the car needed a CLUTCH switch.


Also told them that


4) Oil level gauge is faulty its permanently registering full and at other times flashes to register a malfunction.


Took it in Apr 2.


Piece of s*** was in the garage for 2 sday because the Mar 18 trip, their car wash left a bumper scratch so they resprayed the item free.


They said they needed to order a COM 2000? An electrical item that is behind the steering wheel that deals with al functions on both stalks and Cruise. Fine. aNOTHER trip to the dealer beckons.


Picked the car on Friday. 4 April.





The idling speed was all over the place and sometimes there was no power and suddenly there was a WHOOSH of power. Number of times I nearly ended up someones ar5e was large.


Took it back 2 hours after I picked it up and boy was I mad.


They think I was stupid with this Oil Level gauge.They say it its bettet to manualy check the level. WEL WHY INCLUDE THE FEATURE IN THE FIRST PLACE?


I insisted speaking to a mechanic.


I told him all the problems happened after the camshaft recall repair was done.


He said it sounds like an EGR problem.




Another trip and I am sure when its collected next time, another part wil be ordered so I wil have to go again a few weeks later to have that fitted.


SATURDAY. I went to drop my son off my folks and came home bawling my eyes out. wENT TO yORK. Drive was sooo nice without cruise control and with an engine on crack.


Sunday...... the engine stalled whilst driving.







I make no apologies for the bad lauguage.


The stuff on that site sounds familiar. Arghhhh.


Setting up a website myself, if anyone wants to send submissions and ideas.

www.ihatecitroen.co.uk its nothing really there at the moment. But the picture is amsuing.


The levels of technical knowledge possessed by Clitoren staff is pathetic. They couldn't fit batteries in a torch - they would end up ordering one.


I looked at giles website and I was worried. He got his car 5 weeks after I did. Maybe I was just "lucky"


Ben, was your cat replaced? I asked the dealer if a faulty EGR damages it and he said "No".


I got a letter saying the COM 2000 arrived. Hopefully this morning the EGR will arrive.


Getting increasingly pissed off with everything.


Motoring should be fun.


Is it bOll ocks.




Its an electronic circuit thats in the steering column that acknowledges all the functions from the column stalks (wipers, lights, stereo) and the cruise buttons on the steering wheel.


Clitoren says replacing it will cure my cruise control problems.


I am that close (parts thumb and finger closely) to buying a VW or something Japanese.


I am stil waiting for confirmation that my EGR valve has arrived. Been 7 days now.


How long did you wait for yours?

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