Hi I run a c/5 2.2 hdi exclusive auto with full length sunroof, good when it starts to rain it will auto close. By the way 52 plate, 125.000 miles, runs sweet stopped my old 2.2 uto hdi sx plus a grand, the new exclusive, really good I like the leather and heated seats, on a run in cruise 74 mph I am getting 46mpg. I have a caravan 5mtre French job, the precious c/5 achieved 34mph at 50/60 mph. As previous members say Citreon are a delight when towing, never a drama, the car with it's all thing suspension keeps it nice and straight, the auto box never moans, although on steep inclines I pull it back with the box when going downhill. The zenon lights are a big improvement. I have run Citreon all my life thro d/s c/x x/m, and I think now I am on my fith c5 this is the best of all.