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  1. Thank you for the reply I will feel more comfortable doing the job now. I have used the 90 degree bend as a test before but I wasn't sure if I should try it on this car. I bet the electronic tensioner tool is expensive. I'll give it a go anyway and thanks again P
  2. Hi and thanks for replying. The car has a 1.4 TU3 engine. I have a haynes manual and it says to use a tool to compress all the valves at once when setting the belt tension. Here's the tool on ebay http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/LASER-TOOLS-3789-Valve-Spring-Compressor-PSA-Citroen-Berlingo-Peugeot-/151198416711?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item233420bf47 Is this esential? Thanks again
  3. Hi Guys Just got a 2001 Xsara with a slipping clutch. There's no history so I want to change the timing belt. Problem is The valve spring compression tool costs almost as much as the car. Can it be done without this tool? Also when I search online for a timing belt there's 104 teeth and 108 teeth from the same reg. Any suggestions welcome. Thanks
  4. Name: Citroen Xsara (2001) Date Added: 03 July 2015 - 08:39 PM Owner: doctle Short Description: Just bought clutch gone timing belt needs done View Vehicle
  5. Hi Guys New member from Ireland just bought a Xsara
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