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Everything posted by BarbsC1

  1. Audible warnings can be disabled,Citroen Garage visit though they just need to disable it in the BSI configuration this will not effect any Visual ones though which is good news. If your fault is a serious one though it should be in the BSI's fault log
  2. Nice to hear you like your car lol
  3. Anyone need advice my husband is a Citreon Tech feel free to send messages
  4. This is a known C3 fault, the permanent cure is you get an additional loom basically a long piece of wire I think it is a resistive wire that you put into the dipped beam circuit, had mine done at a Citroen dealership 3 years ago after going through 5 new bulbs in about 3 months, never replaced one since, was told it needed it because the circuit gets a voltage surge The halogen bulbed C8's also suffer with this
  5. It's not just the C3's suffering from this Xsara Picasso's and Berlingo's also are doing the same, the recall was done to prevent damage to the tyres etc the worrying thing is C3's that weren't covered in the recall are still breaking springs, tad worrying I think
  6. Not true if that's what you have been told go to a non rip off garage
  7. I think you will find that when the cap is removed that triggers the dozing as the system is looking for the magnets I've gone now I am back sequence leaving it off whilst you pay for the fuel is the correct procedure helps to reset the level problem as I said refit it before stating then run for one minute switch off and wait for 5 minutes hopefully it will reset this is the exact procedure as instructed by Ctroen, apart from resetting the fluid useage counter in the Ecu which we can't do
  8. The used particle filters can be cleaned out by using a steam lance and that is all that is done with them after being removed and sent back to Citroen, but don't get caught doing it, otherwise your local green brigade will burn your house down lol, and to get rid of the minimum level reached try going and filling the tank up with diesel after topping up the eloys but leave the fuel cap off whilst paying for the diesel refit it upon returning run the engine for a minute the switch off for 5 minutes then restart and if the message returns then take it to Citroen, some of the earlier cars ecu's can't reset themselves and will need replacing
  9. the clip hinges, and if u disconnect the battery allow about 2 minutes after reconnecting before starting only because it will not start at first but don't panic, the only caution for disconnecting the battery is if u have the genuine sat nav allow a couple of minutes after turning off the ignition before disconnecting the negative terminal to allow the unit to shut down properly
  10. The Factories verdict was they were fitting the seals incorrectly by hammering them into place causing the seal to droop and not fit against the top of the door correctly, there was and never were any modified seals. also they were fitting the tailgate seal incorrectly too by putting the joint in the seal directly by the tailgate lock fixing, so fingers crossed all the newer versions should be ok it certainly didn't put me off buying one mine is a 08 5 door Rhythm and I love it
  11. I am sure the City Bugs will be in the top 100 when we are included in the questionaire
  12. Both types were used Red and Green, Red LHS in earlier types and the Green LHM obviously later ones, I think the change over period was late 1969 but don't quote me on that, also the yanks used to replace the LHM with Dextron 2 which also is Red and it was a thicker fluid so less leaks but that also had added problems associated with swapping
  13. Because it is based on vehicles that are 3 years old
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