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  1. Hi, Have a 2001 C5 hdi estate with starship miles! Have recently noticed a rattle coming from the front nearside. I have checked all of the obvius stuff, lower suspension bushes (changed), lower suspension ball joint (ok), anti roll bar drop links (changed), wheel bearings, anti roll bar bushes but to no avail. It seems more prominent when the wheel 'skips' over minor road imperfections rather than in corners or potholes.Is ther a bush/ bearing in the top sphere mount? Any info greatly appreciated.
  2. Had the same problem with mine and the dealer said it was either the BSI or the Speedo head. Both in the region of 300quid, scrappies wanted 120 upwards with no guarantee but an internet search informed me of a guy called ethan at clusterrepairs.co.uk. He assisted me on how to get the unit out and fixed it in a morning because I took it to him, but also does mail order. Cost 120 and guaranteed for 12months. Top bloke would recommend.
  3. strange system used on the c5, just uses one motor to work both front and rear washers. It just reverses the motor direction and the water pressure from the pump (should) moves a shuttle valve on the base of the motor sealing the system not in use. You can take the valve off the base and cleam it out if you're very careful (or tight), but it is not a permanent fix. Should last for about 3-4 bottles full (maybe more in softer water areas). If you're going to buy a new pump, may be worthwhile use demin water to increase the longevity.
  4. since industry was banned from using asbestos in construction and vehicle production, the motor industry had to find another way of dissippating the heat generated during braking. The answer was to increase the metal content in the new asbestos free brake pad material. Unfortunateley this led to brake disc life being substantially reduced.
  5. just a quick update, now at 178000miles still have the fault although a nice man from peugeot (yes thats right, the other psa partner) had it on their laptop and diagnosed the turbo wastegate solenoid valve. Turbo was only working at 88% when all was ok and a big fat 0% when it wasn't. THIS IS A COMMON FAULT ON HIGH MILERS PARTICULARLY TAXIS. There is another solenoid valve that actuates the mechanical EGR valve and this can play up too. Next week all will be well, with another 12% boost I will have to be carefull that I dont rip the 'a' frame off my caravan!
  6. I've always found that sitting in the drivers seat until the passenger gets out works too
  7. sounds like youve inadvertantly pressed the end of the wiper stalk and cycled throught the trip computer. by pressing it again it should revert to reading the clock.
  8. foolishly took the motor to france with the caravan hoping that I was imagining it all. I wasn't, high temperatures did not help and I've noticed that after prolonged idling it is definitely worse. All in all the egr (exhaust gas recycling) valve does seem to be a prime suspect. Glad I read the post, I was about to change the cat converter! :D
  9. i bough a patterned oil filter for mine from a factor and it didn't seal properly. looked the same as the one that came off but when I started the engine the oil just ran out. Changed for a oem and it was ok
  10. I have noticed recently that my trusty c5 estate has developed an itermitent but very annoying trait. when you least expect it, e.g. pulling out to overtake, it refuses to accelerate normally. i have noticed that when it is doing this the usual turbo whine is not as evident if at all. i have had the car on a snap on scanner and it comes up no faults found which implies that it must be mechanical, but a turbo failure would be total not intermittent. the wastegate control seems free enough and I am at a total loss as to where to look next. Any ideas o clever ones? :blink:
  11. the motor is located behind the front bumper on the r/h side (when viewed from the driver seat. You have to remove the front bumper and carefully prise the motor assy away from the bottle. The shuttle valve can then be carefully removed, stripped and cleaned. Once it starts sticking though it does seem to become quite a regular occurance. i have found the best remedy is to reassemble with some washing up liquid and this seems to last about 6 months.
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