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Everything posted by tinxi

  1. there is another topic about this somewhere and there fix which worked on mine was to change the brake pads to non citroen 1s as apprently its the compound they use. I read it on here somewhere like i say changed mine and the screach stopped hope this is some help tinxi
  2. after months of contacting Citroen regarding the knocking noise from the front end of the car i have finally found out the truth. I stumbled across these forums whilst trying to see if anyone else had these problems to my surprise i found out they do!! So i contacted Citroen about the recall to fit the cups they said it didn't affect my car from the vin number. After todays efforts i have found out that they have been fitted in the past before we owned the car. The main Citroen dealer told us this was completed before our owner ship. They are now asking for 37.50 plus vat to check that they are still in place! If not they will ask Citroen to pay for a new spring as a good will gesture! Now am i wrong in thinking this or am i right I know 37.50 +vat isn't loads of money but surely i shouldn't have to pay to see if there job has worked or not. The good will so they are saying they may not pay for this to be done even if it is there fault! So after my rant i am just wondering if anyone knows what these springs look like or if they have any pictures so i can have a look for myself as Citroen are driving me mad with there incompetence to answer a straight question Any help would be great fully appreciated as i have lost all faith in Citroen. Would it be easier for me to buy my own springs and have an independent garage fit them? not fussed about the expense just want a safe car. thanks all tinxi x
  3. I had very similar problems when i fitted my own stereo into my c3 endless electrical problems. So i just popped the original stereo back in and bought a lead for my 12v to work my ipod. All electrical problems stopped :s steering lock occasionally dosnt engage so i pop key back in pull it straight out and it works :s mind boggling. But from experience with the c3 these little problems just happen with no reason as to why they do :s think in October i may have to part with mine love the drive but the endless knocks with no answers and other little faults are driving me mad. Ill be sad but its doing my nut in !!!! tinxi x
  4. cheers for your help as some conning person on ebay is selling these bulbs saying it can be done :huh: when it obviously cannot well got my hopes up :rolleyes: Think ill just have to settle for the disco interior light :s sad i know but i love daft quirky things lol thanks once again tinxi x
  5. not had that problem but in mine if i am driving i can make it judder when lifting off but my other half (male) dosnt have this problem my fried has a c3 also and she does it like i do but her husband dosnt :s so i have no idea must be a woman thing lol We must just be gifted pmsl Or as my other half would say useless lol dunno if that helps tinxi
  6. I changed mine around 12 months ago then decided to put the original back! I had endless problems like central locking not working boot wouldn't open and the screen which tells you which doors are open stuck all the time which is scary when you have a child in the back. Even though child locks were on there is that element of doubt with other electrics not working all the time. All i did was go out a buy a lead off ebay that plugs into your spare 12v that will work my ipod t tunes its self to the radio wasn't that expensive either saves having loads of cds on display in the car too! Suppose its just what works better for yourself. To pop it out you need special pins or a wire coat hanger bent to fit the four holes they are easy to pop out unlike in the corsa. Anyway just my opinion tinxi
  7. well thank you all coz silly me would have paid for that info off ebay!! carn't thank you all enough you are all very helpful ta tinxi xx
  8. never thought of checking there sorry to trouble you all x
  9. thanks for all your help it worked first time cheers carn't thank you enough ta tinxi x
  10. Hi all sorry i may sound thick but has anyone tried to change the dash bulbs or any ideas? Being a girly girl i want a pink dash i know it can be done but am completely unsure how ! Do i have to take the dashout? Any help on this would be appreciated cheers tinxi ;)
  11. Hi all just wondering if anyone knew how to remove the service spanner? I had my c3 done by a friend who used to work for Citroen a few years back and isn't sure how to remove it. So it has been serviced but a half the price Citroen were charging and i just wondered if there is anyway i could remove the spanner so it would let me know when it needed doing again. The guy who did it asked me to fish round the net but not being very computer orientated i haven't had any luck :s any help would be greatly appreciated cheers tinx
  12. herd alot about this been on to citroen they say the car isnt affected by this. but i do wonder think a trip to the garage may be in need. cheers anyway
  13. had same problem i took out my cd mp3 out as it seemed to happen when i placed that in and placed the original back in it stopped for a while but started again. Then i found that it has smething to do with my daughters door although it was shut i found when it wouldn't lock by the key fob if i opened the back left door and closed it again it would lock dunno if that helps but does seemed to have worked for me.
  14. is anyone having the same problem ? The noise is coming from the front end but me nor my partner can decide which side it is. It sounds as if two piece of metal are banging together. It gets extremly loud when you go over speed bumps or dips in the road. I have asked citroen if my car is one affected by the spring recall and they say it dosn't affect my car i have an 03 c3 lx. It has just passed its mot no problem didnt need anything doing so im confused any help would be greatfully recieved.
  15. It is a 2003 citroen c3 lx. I love this car to drive but as a fairly newish driver this handbrake prob scares me to death :s I just constantly park it in gear now still wish i hadn't let other half drive it and id have never known it did it :( saying that no doubt it would have reared its ugly head :blink: cheers for that ill get my other half on it as hes far more handy than me with cars. thanks both of you once again as im new to this xxxx
  16. Is it just a fault with mine or are other people having problems with there C3 and its handbrake? My partner parked it on a hill last year and came in to his brothers next minute there was a very loud noise so went went out to be nosey and see what was going on! To my total shock it was wrapped up into a car down the road :blink: I was gutted luckily it wasn't a right off i asked my other half if he had applied the handbrake and he swears he had well to be honest he must have as if he hadn't as soon as he stuck his foot out it would have rolled. But being a woman i had to double check the car was fixed and a check on the handbrake came back fine no problems. From this happening we always leave the car in gear ( which we all know he should have that day but men eh lol ). But on the occasion we go to pick up our daughter from school we will park on the car park which happens to be a slope and one of us will stay in the car with it running other will go and pick her up and on a few occasion there is a loud crunch the handbrake drops and the car rolls but luckily one of us has been there to apply brakes and handbrake again. After contacting Citroen yet again they still deny this is a fault and there advice is to apply the handbrake without pressing the button in to hear it click into place which is very hard to get used to after years of driving pressing it in but we have done this and it still drops! Anyone else having this problem? I know vauxhall are definitly having a mega problem with this and have eventually recalled there cars to add a spring any help would be appreciated ;)
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