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Everything posted by Stueyboy

  1. Stueyboy


    This makes me sound really stupid, but the pollution warning light came on in my VTR+ the other day. Its the 1.6 diesel 110bhp. They said it could have been caused by the turbo or turbo connection rods. I had no idea this car had a turbo fitted. Can someone just confirm that for me please.....Can't believe I don't know something this basic d'ho......
  2. Brill, thanks chaps. Sorry it was a "done before" topic as well. Will check harder next time...
  3. Chaps, have had my car now (VTR+) for about 3 months and noticed that the door mirror selector slider button doesn't light up when the other lights are on. The round button above it and the window buttons below it both do light up. The thing is, I don't know whether this button has ever lit up. My question is, is it supposed to light up??? many thanks S
  4. You're right, its definately the rubber that's squeaking. Will give the vaseline a try. Ta.
  5. Hello all. First post here. Had a 1.6 VTR+ fro about a week and I seem to have developed a very annoying squeak on the drivers side door at the top of the frame. There seems to be quite a lot of movement there and, in fact, if you push up the top of the door you can replicate the squeak. Its worse over poor road surfaces, obviously. Anybody had this before? Hope its just a case of a door adjustment at the first service. The passenger door is fine. many thanks
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