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Everything posted by littleminxx

  1. hi has any 1 else had the same problem as me and if so how do you rectify it. i was driving to my parents the other day and nearly crashed i couldnt press the pedals properly and didnt understand why. when i did make it to my parents i got out had a look and it was the mat under the pedals had some how gone over them i tried to move it but as its bolted in i couldnt, twice this has happend now and i dont rearly want it to happen again coz nxt time who knows what might happen so im asking if any 1 knows if i can take the mat out and replace it with a bigger one because clearly citroen made them to small ;)
  2. lol sounds like some 1 waspissed when made that word ;)
  3. please let me know how much you would take for it posted thanks and will go from there . :)
  4. im with you on that i think some one on here should organise 1 would be great fun after all most of the other car sites have get togethers so why shouldnt we if you here of 1 let me know id be up for it ;)
  5. hi im looking for any 1 who is getting rid of a parcel shelf for a c1 ive noticed 1 was going but im sure that will have gone by now so if any 1 on here knows of any 1 getting rida 1 pm me or leave me a message on here thanks x ;)
  6. hi there just saw your post and i seem to be having trouble getting mine in reverse its still under warrenty till end of november do you think i should get it checked and would it be coverd do you think
  7. where do u live lol im not having much joy with citroen because nothing is getting into the car they said it was ok how can alot of water around the door seals n on the door be normal :unsure:
  8. i took it to a citreon dealer n they did a water test n recon nothing is wrong im not happy with that result n want a second opinion so i think i will go for 1 if i could do it myself i would .
  9. is it me or are the door seals on the c1 to small i have water inside the door rim and on the car n its quit abit if i took it to citroen would they fix it as its still under warrenty i dont want to look stupid has any 1 else had this problem and wehat did you do . :unsure: also i think the gap between the door n car is bigger than usual or is that me as well
  10. i have to say ithink its the same on all cars in winter allcars are going to get dirty however small or big
  11. littleminxx

    New C1

    i have to say i prefer my shape the new 1 is to much n does look like its got a streched mouth but i wonder how much diferent in other areas it is ?
  12. littleminxx

    New C1

    i have to say i prefer my shape the new 1 is to much n does look like its got a streched mouth but i wonder how much diferent in other areas it is ?
  13. all i can say is i defo recomend it very good stuff so if any of you car lovers out there want it my fella got it online wernt to expensive either and what a job aye stages of cleaning were: Auto glym car shampoo wash Microfibre’d off dry Clay barred and quick detailed via meguiars Auto glymed super resin polished Poor boys carnauba wax And then microfibred all off again eg any dust http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m100/escortgtiestate/C1/091108/09112008103800x600.jpg http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m100/escortgtiestate/C1/091108/09112008104800x600.jpg http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m100/escortgtiestate/C1/091108/09112008105800x600.jpg http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m100/escortgtiestate/C1/091108/09112008106800x600.jpg http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m100/escortgtiestate/C1/091108/09112008107800x600.jpg http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m100/escortgtiestate/C1/091108/09112008108800x600.jpg http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m100/escortgtiestate/C1/091108/09112008109800x600.jpg http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m100/escortgtiestate/C1/091108/09112008110800x600.jpg
  14. thank you so much for your responce was very helpfull i was on here the other day looking at things and saw some people complaining about there hazard switch being cracked so i thort id check mine n well it was so thankfully i went to citren didnt think at the time to ask what was coverd and what wasnt but im getting mine done free which is good i think my warrenty runs out nov 09 thankfully so will get all checks done wile i can x
  15. hi can any 1 tell me exactly whats included and what isnt included in the citroen c1 warranty as im not sure thank . :rolleyes:
  16. what a bonus aye best thing i done in ages getting the c1
  17. that does sound like a good idea but id probelry habve to pay silly amount as theres a high demand for the smaller car now with the petrol n tax going up im in the process of finding out about air con id rather have it fitted if honest as i like my car but thanks anyway hun :lol:
  18. B)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Jon B @ May 14 2008, 03:31 PM) 29566[/snapback]</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->Hi, newbie here! Sorry to disappoint, but the VED on the C1 will be £20 in 2010, not free as stated. If you look here: - http://www.parkers.co.uk/cars/road-tax/?deriv=31501 You will see it says from April 2010 it is "free", but that is in fact the new car fee that the ZanuLabour party have brought in, i.e you buy a fat 4x4 and you pay a premium £800 just for the car in tax. If you look to the left of that figure, you will see that for 12 months, the VED is still £20. Not that I am complaining £20 is bloody marvellous. :lol: hey 20 pounds even 30 or 40 is still better than over 100 i was paying 120 for my clio so im happy regardless i think its cool but the way petrol is i think they have to bring something down to even things out but being the goverment greedy that they are i dont think thats likly to happen :)
  19. couldnt aford the rytham at the time thats why i got the vibe . but like you say when u have had lec windows for so long you feel it when you dont have them i feel like my right arm has been cut off but i got a good deal on my alarm n centrel locking so i think il go back an ask what deal he can do me on the lecy windows as i dont want to do something i have no idea on and mess my car up it all takes time and yeh i agree would have been better to get the rytham but didnt quit have enf but i love my car just put some nice aloys on it couldnt belve when i called my insurence they wouldnt insure me i was like you what they are only wheels lol then i got qoted 400 plus i was like er no i sho around lol its all money lol but thanks for the advise on the windows but i think il defo go prof for peace of mind x :blink:
  20. i wa quit lucky there when i had my alarm fitted it had remote centrel locking with it cost me 260 had 100 nocked of as was a speciol deal but as for the lecy windows in still looking its a pain drivin when its hot n have to wind the window down
  21. hi there martin was just readin your messege and wondered where you got your air con from so cheap ? as i want to get mine done
  22. hi there i just got my c1 and changed my stereo yesterday all i did was got a facia of ebay cost me about a 5a brand new now i can have my face of in it as for the speakers not done them yet but just thort id let you know incase you still wanted to change ya stereo .
  23. hi there can any 1 tell me how much it would cost to get electric windows fitted on my c1 ive had me alarm done and amlooking into getting air con but want electric windows done first and where to get it done thanks
  24. yeh i no that anyway as my x used to have to use his in the winter thanks for the info thow x
  25. hmm think il get saving as rearly want it done thanks for that it is still underwarrenty till nov 09 so il call them an see what they can do thanks for that
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