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Everything posted by littleminxx

  1. hmm think il get saving as rearly want it done thanks for that it is still underwarrenty till nov 09 so il call them an see what they can do thanks for that
  2. hi there i was wondering if i could get air con for my c1 and if so does any 1 have any idea on how much it woulod be ? i know this wont be cheap just wanted a rough price and if any 1 new .
  3. dam i was going to say you to :rolleyes:
  4. theres only 1 thing i can say to that picture wow that is well nice :huh:
  5. does any 1 know if i could fit a TEMPRETURE GAGE as my c1 vibe dosnt have 1 and does any 1 now how i could do it as in fit it in and how much it would be
  6. i just got rid of my clio not that it was that old was year 2000 but i fanyed a change and wanted a newer car n it was a choice between the citren or peugoet cant spell loll 107 im glad i did as its much more economical
  7. wow thats good free in 2010 im happy with that
  8. im totaly with you i cant understand why people winge so much when they are getting 1 of the most economic cars n cheapest tax on the rd and its a nice drive you have to gv ti a little time for the suspention to softern up but thats only to bed expected with new cars god some people make me laugh i love mine
  9. ow i do apoligise i only heard of it the otherday but thanks for the reply even tho it wernt helpfull lol
  10. hi there ive heard a this thing called flocking and was wondering if any 1 had any prices on it the inside a my c1 door cards are not fully coverd n have got some of the metal showing i was wondering if i could get it flocked n if i could does any 1 know any 1 that does it n how much it would cost then it would blend in with the rest of the car . please can i only have serious answers nop funny people thanks as i want to know where to get it done
  11. hi there just been reading your post and just wonderd if you new that the c1 tax is suposidly going down to 20 pounds in 2009 sorryabout spelling i love my car yes the wheels are small n can roll abit on roundabouts but change the wheels simple its economic n a great cheap car i love it x
  12. thanks for that hun il check it out now :)
  13. thank you for the welcome
  14. i totaly agree i love my car its my baby i have taken alook at the szite n gona try a few things and see how tht goes as for the sterio well i need some speakers the 1s they put in arfe naf so tinny would you recomend any
  15. hi there i just got my c1 and love it but i have what sounds like a little jingle nose like a babys rattle but its very very quiet but there if tht makes sence do you no what that could be is it simler to the sound you had sorry am new to this site and just read your post n thort id ask x the noise by the way is coming from the back .
  16. hi there i have just got a citren c1 vibe and was wondering if any 1 new if i could cover the door cards as only apart of them are coverd and the other half is red the colour of my car i was wondering if i could get a full door card or cover it in some way so it all looks the same :D
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