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Everything posted by milpol1

  1. Yes John, looked on e bay, theres only go up to 2004, mine is 2.2Hdi 173BHP 2007, well it was 173 now 213.
  2. Well I have looked everywhere on the net for a DPF, and had no luck whatsoever, eveb been down the scrap yard local to me, they havent got any C5 at all, next step is to go to the guy that did the work in the first place to see if he has any......Anybody any ideas if that fails, or just scrap the car or pay some exhorbant Citreon Dealer price, thats if they will do it at all. Thanks
  3. Any body got a spare DPF lol
  4. Thanks Paul.................Asthe notes quote though"The vehicle will automatically fail the MOT test if the filter had been fitted as standard but is found to be no longer present." which mine did ahve one, so I guess it will fail MOT. They are saying that the DPF has been installed for 20 years??I dontunderstand your reasoning
  5. Other option can you successfully put a new dpf back on the motor. Costs??
  6. Mot not due till June mind, thinking aloud, should I ask to get the MOT done in January, that would give me a further 12 months??
  7. Sugar, had mine removed about 3 years ago, and had the pipe installed, o welnedded a new car I guess
  8. OK shot in the dark this but here goes.................Had my discs and pads changed on all 4 wheels, now prior to this there were no noticable rattles at all. Anyway now have an infuriating "tinny" rattle coming from the rear, and i believe it may be coming from rear right wheel. Its not there all the time just when I go over roughish surface, now if i keep my foot on the brakes the rattle aint there which to me means there is something rattling from the brakes( No ***oops*** sherlock), ive looked under the car and at the wheel, brakes, calipers but nothing......any ideas chaps?
  9. I checked the BSI no problems there, it is 2 blown bulbs, never thought it could be the two, o and why do citroen make it so difficult to change bulbs, had to pay for mine to be changed as have athritic hands and because they are special bulbs the cost is a tenner for a pair.
  10. Thanks, but nthere is no mention in the owners handbook as to what fuse it is, any ideas?
  11. Just failed my MOT 2.2HDI 07 Plate on sidelights not working, trying to locate fuse to check that first but no mention in the handbook of where the fuse for lights are, any ideas please?
  12. Would it mean tasking the whole system off the car to insert the LEDs in the headlamp unit??
  13. Dont say that to the local Halfords in Plymouth, they spent 3/4 of an hour and in the end gave up and said they couldnt change one of the headlight bulbs, although they managed to change one and the retaining clip is now unable to be pulled out from the unit as it has slipped down, ;looks like a main dealer jobby, unless anybody else has any other way of doing it.
  14. Just paid, yesterday 190 smakers for right calipers to be changed and a new one fitted,,,,,,,ouch
  15. Cant see any CD for 22 euros on the site at !!!!!!all
  16. milpol1


    Good day, I have a C5 2.2 HDI VTX+ 173 bhp. I have the satnav and phone etc built in, my problem is hw the hell do I change the time on the clock, cant seem to find any instructions on how to do it. Cheers
  17. Hello all...............HELP I went to start my C5 HDI 2.2 173 VTR+ this morning bearing in mind the temperatures last night and it sounded a bit "lumpy", it took 2 turns of the key to get it going which is unusual and I was wopndering if it may be the coolant geing too cold. I checked the expansion tank and it looks like the coolant is just wate, there is no colouring of the coolant. The expansion taank is full and I was wondering if I could drain some coolant off anf replace it withe proper mixed coolant to avaoid a !freeze", if so mhow would Ido that and where is the drain plug on the radiator and yes I know where to put mpetrol, oil etc but that is my limitation if you know what I mean. Thanks
  18. Had a little incident whereby an HGV vehicle lost its mirror which unfortunatley went under my C5 and smashed the under engine tray, does anybody have any idea where I can get a second hand one besides the local scrppy, who by the way doesnt ahve any scrapped C5 lol, I think main dealers will be a tad expensive. Thanks
  19. I am trying to locate a rear blind for my 2.2 173bHP c5 vtx pLUS. Anybody any ideas where I can get a reasonabley cheap one. Many Thanks Dave
  20. I have a C5 VTX+, 173 bhp, 2.2bhp on a 07 plate. I have 40k mileage on the vehicle and was wondering if it is ok to use redex to clean the injectors etc? Thanks for any replies
  21. I have yesterday purchased the above vehiclke and to say im pleasaed is an understatement, however one question and it may seem trivial. I went to seee the car last week and Im sure i noticed that there was a windown blind in the rear parcel shelf however i come to pick the catr up yesterday and noticed today that there wasnt one, does any owner of the same vehicle know if it is standard on the VTX+. They cost £53 notes and I dont wanna pay out if there should be one there. Thanks
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