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Everything posted by andya99

  1. andya99


    I may be completely thick :o but I've looked on the VOSA website and there is not a listing for a recall issued recently (not sure how often its updated), my C4's vin number doesn't tie in with any of the ranges quoted on thier site currently. So does my car need to go to the dealers? <_< had the car from new since July 06. Seen other postings saying 'same as the other one' etc I'm now confused! Any clarification much appriecated. :D Andy P.S any reference to my level of intelligence will be taken in good humour, honest :(
  2. Hi, Thanks for all the assitance and advice, has not occured again since posting but will keep and eye on it, will see what my dealer can do if needs be. Cheers Andy
  3. Hi, I know I've not posted for a while :o but have had my C4 VTR+ coupe since July 06 (from new), had its 1500 mile check at dealers no probs and has done about 5500 miles, everything running fine. However the other day was reversing uphill into a parking space and was getting noise from the rear brakes when using the handbrake? I recall this has been spoken about in the forums before but not sure? Is there anything I need to be worried about :( Any info much appreciated. :D Andy
  4. I like them, had auto wipers on previous cars and wouldn't be without them now, however I have to agree that the sensor / speed isn't always spot on. Takes a bit of getting used to as you have to overide the urge to clear your screen and let the auto wipers do the work.
  5. Well here's mine, took this photo on the day of delivery, hasn't looked quite so clean since! :lol: http://i90.photobucket.com/albums/k243/andya99/MyVTR.jpg
  6. Thanks Herts, It all makse sense to me now, checked my itunes preferences and have been burning audio CD's. :angry:
  7. I have had my C4 for only a few weeks and when asking about the spec etc the dealer told me was not sure if the standard stereo that came with the car could play mp3's. Anyway all I have played in my CD since having the car is CD compilations I have made using itunes, both tracks bought online (protected files) and tracks imported into itunes and converted to mp3. I don't know much about ICE but my experience has just been a case of burn a CD and play? :angry:
  8. Hi VTRPlus Welcome to the forum. I took delivery of my C4 last week. Ordered it in beginning of June with a delivery date of the end of June / first week in July. The dealer said there might be a bit of wait because it was the VTR+ (110 bhp 1.6 HDi rather than than the 'normal' 1.6 HDi 92 bhp). It was a company buy so they wanted the money before releasing the car etc which was done. Delivery date arrives and no car, the dealer had no idea where my car is! They didn't physically have it! Also I already had the V5 from the DVLA. Anyway took delivery on the 19th, 2 / 3 weeks after they initailly said it was going to be ready and that was after threatening we would ask for our money back. The sales guy was very apologetic and embarassed, apprantly wherever or whoever does there PDI checks wouldn't release the car as they did not have the locking wheel nut socket for the alloys and they were waiting on them from Citroen UK? Obviously this is just my experience does not explain your lead time, we did however order a Picasso 1.6 HDi Desire, at the same time and that was delivered on time with no problems.
  9. andya99


    Hello and welcome.
  10. Still getting used to mine as have only had it a week or so, the steering wheel felt strange initailly but now feels perfectly natural to see the centre staying put, but can apprieciate the comments about the controls have found myself accidently changing the volume / source when steering. For me having a car with a bit of uniqueness it what separates it from the other mid size cars out there (for which there is a lot of competition) and as I understand it Citroen have never been shy of doing things differnently. The only niggle for me at this piont is the view out the rear window (mine's a coupe) and have found myself using the side mirrors more, sure this will even out as I get used to the size / feel of the car. Love the handling, yes it is a firmer ride but I like it alot. <_<
  11. 37 getting ready for my mid life crisis!!! <_<
  12. Have got a c4 coupe vtr+ in black not leather except on the steering wheel but love the seats all the same apart from the mannual thing, but like I said am being picky. Thanks for all your "hello's" <_<
  13. Been reading the forum for the last few weeks whilst waiting to take delivery of my new C4, have learnt more about the C4 on here than any reviews or marketing blurb. Took delivery on Wednesday last week and so far very happy, its a company car but I am lucky enough to have a big say it what car I get. Phoned the tax office to change my details and even they were impressed with the C02 figures to the point I might get some personal allowance this year!! Still finding out about all the bits and pieces, I had a Peugoet 407 before and a lot of the stuff is very similar (as is the way with Peugoet / Citroen). Only thing I 'miss' so far is the electric seats, seems strange having to adjust them manually but that is being really picky. Anyway will keep you posted how I get on when it comes to servicing /dealer contact.
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