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Everything posted by discoian

  1. Well after much nagging from my wife, i've caved in and bought her a pluriel. We test drove a 56 reg Latte a few months back but at £10.5k it was a little out of our price range. After scouring Autotrader I saw an 03 Pluriel in Dark Grey for just over £5k. We test drove it on Monday this week and picked it up yesterday! It's a lovely car, the wife loves it to bits, we had much fun converting it all of yesterday evening, taking off the rails, putting it back together all in the wrong order, etc. Only one niggle, everytime we tip the glass roof back or lift it up, water pours into the boot, maybe there's something we can do about that maybe???
  2. Hi there, I have a Peugeot 807 (C8) on an 03 plate and I can't figure out for the life of me how you fold down the centre seat in the row behind the driver... I picked it up today from one of these car supermarket type places, there's no handbook (so I bought one from eBay but it's not arrived yet) and i'm just at a loss how to get it to fold forward. I've tried lifting the catch up, halfway up, pulling the red tag, all sorts...and it's just not budging. Any other advice you can offer would be cool.
  3. Hi there, I have a Y-reg (01) Picasso 1.6 SX. Some time ago I stupidly let the fuel run right out. As a consequence of this, the engine management light came on. Now, the engine management light has come on before for no reason, so I don't know what's up with that. Since we've had the car, it has had the problem of stalling when approaching roundabouts, t-junctions, etc. Just as you push the clutch down to change gear, it sometimes just cuts out. Now recently, it's got worse. It's got to the point now where it doesn't turn over to start, it just makes a noise, kind of like an "electrical" sort of noise. It eventually does start, but it's a bit annoying. Any ideas what the problem could be?
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