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  1. take it down matchams and have a laugh with it, its been good to you and you might aswell have some fun as the scrap yard will still pay £60 for it! have some fun i know that i will when my car starts to die as it loves beeing ragged weird since it over 12yrs old! have fun you know that it would want you to!!lol
  2. Hay im looking for some too and i need them cheap can anyone help!!! i need it for my ZX and soon!
  3. hey i pasted my test a year ago and i got mine for just under a £1000 for my ZX and its 12yrs old i got it with direct line it will be a little more expensive for you as your a guys harsh hay!but mine has gone down by about £400 after a year and i dont have pass plus yet. The car that you are getting make sure it hasnt got any extras e.g turbo as that can put £500 and try to get under a 1.6 as then it will add on even more, i have insurance and i even work for a insurance company!!! LULU
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