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Everything posted by captainsensible

  1. Won't it be on a lorry either side of being on a boat? :o
  2. I posted this elsewhere, but I think I killed the thread! :lol: If I have read this thread correctly, would I be right in thinking that if I have the Bluetooth Head Unit and a CD changer, then aux port 1 is already in use? I am looking at various ways to connect my ipod to the head unit and am guessing that this is probably the only way I would be able to do it. I have ruled out the FM transmitter methid in the long term as its too unreliable. Ideally I would like to be able to control the ipod from the HU but I believe that the systems that enable that are connected to the cd changer control of the HU - at least, thats how the Dension Icelink I had in my old car connected to my Sony HU. In fact most of the places that sell the Icelink don't mention the C4 specifically - if anyone knows different I would appreciate it! Any ideas anyone?
  3. If I have read this thread correctly, would I be right in thinking that if I have the Bluetooth Head Unit and a CD changer, then aux port 1 is already in use? I am looking at various ways to connect my ipod to the head unit and am guessing that this is probably the only way I would be able to do it. I have ruled out the FM transmitter methid in the long term as its too unreliable. Ideally I would like to be able to control the ipod from the HU but I believe that the systems that enable that are connected to the cd changer control of the HU - at least, thats how the Dension Icelink I had in my old car connected to my Sony HU. In fact most of the places that sell the Icelink don't mention the C4 specifically - if anyone knows different I would appreciate it!
  4. Well, apparently mine has a build date of tomorrow, so looking good for the end of the month..... hopefully!! And as for: Wot? :blink:
  5. I ordered mine via www.broker4cars.co.uk although the order was placed with the factory via Bristol Street Motors in Burton on Trent. The only options were Black paint and bluetooth. Am going to give the dealer a call and see if they can give me an update...
  6. Hi, I ordered my new C4 VTS 2.0HDI at the end of July and was quoted about 8 weeks for delivery, putting it to about the end of September. Is anyone in the same position or has had their C4 delivered already? Ta!
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