I posted this elsewhere, but I think I killed the thread! :lol: If I have read this thread correctly, would I be right in thinking that if I have the Bluetooth Head Unit and a CD changer, then aux port 1 is already in use? I am looking at various ways to connect my ipod to the head unit and am guessing that this is probably the only way I would be able to do it. I have ruled out the FM transmitter methid in the long term as its too unreliable. Ideally I would like to be able to control the ipod from the HU but I believe that the systems that enable that are connected to the cd changer control of the HU - at least, thats how the Dension Icelink I had in my old car connected to my Sony HU. In fact most of the places that sell the Icelink don't mention the C4 specifically - if anyone knows different I would appreciate it! Any ideas anyone?