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  1. I got a replacement front set from ebay in March cost £15.45 including postage.
  2. your car sounds like the same problem my mum had with her xsara, it just lost power whilst driving it back from a trip to scotland, it got so bad that eventually i just refused to drive it any further and brought the RAC out to it. I had wondered why the previous owner had only had it 8 months, the RAC took it to the dealers it was purchased from and gave us a lift home. It had a faulty ECU and once it came back it took off like a rocket, even if the car is no longer under warranty if they havent sorted it out while it was then they have a responsibilty to sort it out, if its on finance contact your finance company for advice or contact trading standards.
  3. definately worth knowing as its about £170 to replace the full unit, mine wasnt knocked off though it was on the footpath and disappeared overnight
  4. cheers for that was really frustrating, the rear windscreen wiper i can manage without until something more important comes up or the warranty only has a short time to run :(
  5. is anyone else having problems with the electrics? My rear windscreen wiper doenst activate in reverse when the front wipers are on and now the drivers window one touch has given up, suppose its anopther visit to the dealers :(
  6. good luck with the new job and hope your next company car is less frustrating than the C4 has been
  7. xavtia


    well its been fixed and my pocket is £160 lighter hope the person that decided to take it rots needed the door handle sorting so was able to get the dealer to knock off some labour time as the door panel was already off for that
  8. xavtia


    <_< someone has decided they want my passenger side door mirror more than I do and so have helped themselves to it leaveing the wires nicely sticking in the air anyone had to change a door mirror? is it difficult or is it a dealer job
  9. pulled the boot down the other day and heard something rolling about so pushed it up and down to find something moving anyone else had this bit concerned about the clutch too started bouncing when I set off, not happy as my xsara had 59k and still original clutch and the bx I had before that did 75k before the clutch needed replacing, is the bouncing how you start to notice? I'm not driving any differently if anything driving more carefully.
  10. my service counter went nuts but it was because there was a fault on the cruise/speed control, the dealer said it was related and it has been fine since it was seen to
  11. have you had any software updates where you haven't had your spare key with you? sounds like the key hasn't been programmed when something has been updated, same thing happened to my xsara when I bought a new key the dealer forgot to reprogram the old key but as it was the only key I had at the time they couldn't blame me as I wouldnt have been able to take the car in if I had forgotten the key as they suggested
  12. look on the positive side it might have cost you the fuel and a few hours labour but it could have been much worse and I bet it isnt something you do again in a hurry
  13. I dont think he did but it was just about running when he swapped it for a new vw lt just remember it costing him a fortune :blink: or did it cost the vw dealers a fortune :D
  14. When my xsara needed a tyre for its mot the dealer rang me up and asked me what I wanted to do, they gave me a price for the tyre and I rang the local tyre place and found one cheaper so just collected the car had the tyre changed and took it back, so I dont think all dealers can be assumed to be the same. I do take responsibility because I could have checked the tyres before letting it go to the dealers.
  15. Hope you get it sorted and its not too costly. Ring the petrol station for the price to work out what sort of fuel you put in. For what little I know I'd try not to drive it until the petrol has been drained, bit difficult but it will prevent further damage. I stopped a guy in our local petrol station staring his BX a few years ago because I'd noticed he'd put petrol in instead of diesel. My ex boss put petrol in his transist van once and ended up trading it in so hope your luckier than him
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