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  1. JenJen

    New C1

    ^Agree. :unsure:
  2. JenJen

    New C1

    Aygo http://shrani.si/f/W/pG/31rCViYA/1.jpg http://shrani.si/f/2C/Y1/4SImFyfG/2.jpg http://shrani.si/f/1o/9k/UA0OmSg/3.jpg
  3. JenJen

    New C1

    Peugeot 107 http://shrani.si/f/r/pI/4UlzVGpx/peugeot-107-2.jpg http://shrani.si/f/u/YK/4reL7Poz/p1071.jpg
  4. JenJen

    New C1

    Have you seen this? http://www.citroen.com/NR/rdonlyres/E5396C93-75B2-4B0D-8678-DA178AD1670D/120641/08179007.jpg http://www.citroen.com/NR/rdonlyres/E5396C93-75B2-4B0D-8678-DA178AD1670D/120643/08180002.jpg http://www.citroen.com/NR/rdonlyres/E5396C93-75B2-4B0D-8678-DA178AD1670D/120645/08179004.jpg
  5. Yes, for sure! I really don't need a bigger one, it suits me perfectly! :lol:
  6. Glad to see your C1 is okey dokey again! :)
  7. Well, gallons are not used for measuring where I live, but when the car beebs at the last bar, there are still 5 litres left (1 gallon = 4.54 l).
  8. Well, in my country, the first free service between 1500 and 2500 kms has been cancelled. This leads to my first obligatory service at 15,000 kms (=approx 9400 miles).
  9. What are the actual characteristics of the original front speakers? Nominal power, musical power, impendance, sensitivity etc.? I'd like to buy better ones, but for that I'd need to know what I have at the moment. :D
  10. 7 weeks? Well, I was waiting for mine exactly 15 weeks! I've survived and now I just LOVE my blue C1. :D
  11. It's all written in your service and warranty booklet.
  12. Thank you. :D
  13. When I start the engine, the rev counter goes up to number "2" for a second or two, without me pressing the gas pedal. This happens only when the car isn't running for a while, with a cold engine I assume. Other than that the engine works perfectly fine, no strange voices or weird acting at all. Should I be worried? It's a 998cc petrol engine, a week old C1.
  14. I took a two-jack cable from some old computer speakers and it works just fine with C1 and my mp3 Canyon player. :D http://shrani.si/f/2e/hr/22W1aWCp/cable.jpg
  15. Finally, mine's here too! :D http://shrani.si/t/1U/7W/iUPNsIP/c1petja.jpg
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