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  1. Excellent. Works a treat now. Thanks for the help. :D
  2. Excellent, nice one coast and random. :D I'm almost certain it's that now. It's been chucking it down with rain tonight, and it's actually worked. I shall de-gunk it on Thursday.
  3. I've just had a look underneath (and taken a shot of it), is it the thing that I've circled on this picture? http://i116.photobucket.com/albums/o6/djash1000_photo/c5under0608circled.jpg
  4. Thanks for the responses coast, (would have responded earlier, but not quite up to speed on this site and my settings just yet). I'm going to the garage next week, so I'll look for this valve. And check it out. I'm driving in Sheffield. Yeah, work is drying up also here also, coast. I don't know if same up your end of the country, but we're having so many new apartment blocks and student blocks built in the town, that we're not required like before. Saturday night is really the only night where you can make anything. Thanks again steve. I'll post after I've been to the garage.
  5. Hi john, and coast. Thanks for the responses. I did write it rather quickly, and perhaps not clear enough. Ok when I start the day, I get in (and you can hear the suspension change with my weight), start engine etc and off I go.. I get to my first pick up point, and 3 people get in the back. Obviously the back susp sinks with the weight. It normally raises itself back to ride height within seconds. But it isn't raising at all. So obviously it's not able to drive in that state. However... if I turn the engine off, and remove the key.. it then raises back to normal ride height (with the added weight). So basically everytime I pick people up, I have to stop the engine, remove key, then restart. Hope that makes it a bit clearer. And you have the answer. : )
  6. Hi, I'm new to the forum, I've searched but not found this particular problem. C5 2.0 HDi Estate 2003. My suspension isn't raising whilst the engine is running, when I pick people up. (I use it as a taxi). As soon as turn the engine off, it then raises up. This of course wouldn't be too much of a problem if it was for private use, because restarting it wouldn't be too much bother. But it's completely impractical for my use as a taxi. (not to mention hard on the battery) Thanks in advance. ash :rolleyes:
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